a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Ceroc Dance

Today we went to look at somemore houses...saw this really nice one with a huge porch..rooms were really spacious too. Later on i went wif Mel to dance class..juz to watch her dance for a while..they dance Ceroc dance..a combination between waltz, classical, spanish dance and hip hop. Pretty cool but really hard to master. This kinda dance requires partners..usually a guy and a girl and they rotate partners too. Oh man..i don't noe why but i was laughing so hard when i saw them dance. I mean..some parts were quite er...sensual..n it juz cracked me up..cos d guys usually take d lead in dancing and some of them were making all sorts of funny actions..HAHA..
Oh yes..and if i have d time i would go running...and i heard that my mum's fren's fren ran up d flight of steps 10 times near d beach everyday and she lost alot of weight! I'm gonna try that! but its not like i haf weight to lose...anymore losing and i'll be a skeleton..HAH! Juz gonna try that n lots of tummy exercises (which i'm doing) to keep in shape!
U noe this blog doesn't haf a tagboard..how inconvenient..considered changing to diaryland or sm other blogging thing but v. mah fan lah to move. N its not as if pple read my blog..gahh..feel that i'm talking to d wall..oh well..like i said..i have nothing better to do..its not as if my life is so interesting anyway.
My dad's fren adviced me to go apply straight for uni and become a teacher cos d job here is v. good..but HELLO..i wanna come back to s'pore to work! Wat aload of bull.. oh well..but i haf to be open right? but teaching is DEFINITELY not for me..maybe for summer time job but for life??? NO WAY!

Have to go bathe now..juz got back frm a really heavy chinese dinner...
funny..i'm in nz but everyday i eat chinese food..how ironic and weird...


  • At 1:41 AM, Blogger emery said…

    haha ooh first time here for me!heyy thereee!!how's everything?good i hope!see ya soon alrights?takecaree!

  • At 2:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey laureen. :) WE MISS YOU!!! haha. come back SOON!!!!haha.hope everything's ok there.. take care..


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