a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Friday, December 02, 2005

Its already Dec...

Sorry for not updating for quite along time...d coms in my fren's place were down..mouse spoilt n all..quite frustrating.
Its 3rd of dec already. U noe..time seems to pass v. fast in a day..but d days pass v. v. slowly. I'm missing home even more now. Sharing a house wif a family can be quite inconvenient at times. I don't wanna seem ungrateful but sometimes i feel v. frustrated...it seems even though they say its not that i'm always d one to be blame..messing up stuff.. I'm sorry to say this but i wanna move to my new place as soon as possible. We haf already found a place to stay..nice garden n quite spacious but i don't like d structure of d house.
Since i've come to nz i find that all my inadequacies r surfacing..like now i haf to help out by washing dishes (most of d time trying to escape) n i'm like so dependent..bcos of that getting nagged n blasted by Mum which makes it even worse. I bet i'm like d most useless person in d house..n i bet d whole family finds me so troublesome juz that they juz dun wanna say. I mean i can't cook, clean, do anything..mayb except wash d dishes (which half d time i dun bother to do..too lazy)..gosh..mayb coming here would make me grow up.

Anyway, i've made frens wif 2 south african girls..they're v. v. nice. N i've discovered that there r more migrants den kiwis down here. Heh..so far hafn't made a kiwi fren yet though. Silly com's not working so i better go publish this first.


  • At 11:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sounds like you're having a busy time over in cowland. :)

    But seriously Lor, you need to chill. No, your family does not think you're "d most useless person in d house". Heck, you've still got a long way ahead of you girl. Learning how to cook, clean, and all that sort of stuff takes time. (My sister has been in Uni for about 2 years now and she has YET to learn how to boil water, her b/f cooks for her. *rolls eyes*). You just need to relax a little, everyone gets chewed out by their mom at some point or another. Back then, my sister used to call back home all the time crying the first time she had to go abroad for uni. But now, she's pratically a singaporean aussie. Things will work out, they always do. just takes time.

    And I'm glad you managed to make some friends already. And don't worry, you'll make a kiwi friend soon enough. (Worst case scenerio, steal one from the zoo.) Anyway got to go now. Ciao!


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