a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

piano lessons and table tennis

Today was quite exciting. Got myself a new piano teacher...kiwi lady..really nice and encourage unlike my previous in Singapore. Today was my 1st lesson..was kinda terrified though..when my mum left i was like NOooo don't leave me here!! hahaha..who m i kidding man..
U noe i expected her to start teaching d grade 8 book straight away but she gave me lots of creative finger exercises n stuff that I've never learnt frm my teachers in S'pore..i was thinking to myself..this is so weird.
haha..but generally it was good.

Afterthat went wif my fren's 11yr old bro n his frens to table tennis in Pakuranga Youth Club..smth like a Community Club. Had to pay 6 bucks to play..and 1 dollar for d bat. Most of d pple playing were all Asians..i think mainland chinese.. all i was d only girl..that sucked.
So we had to play against each other n d winner will advance. I kept on losing man..so sad..but i mean this is my 1st time. Played wif an 11 yr old n won everytime but kept on losing in d 2nd stage. I played against this 16 yr old indian boy who claims used to b frm S'pore but migrated here 2 yrs ago. I tell u..he's such a PERVERT...i was SO disgusted by him k..
He was like do u haf a boyfren? I said i didn't see a need to.Then he kept on saying my legs look good n that i look pretty *rolls eyes* i was at that pt v. v. suspicious n i was like..this guy's up to NO good and i was right! Then he kept rattling on bout saying he had sex wif his girlfren..that many girls wanted to haf sex wif him..i was like WAT?!?!?! SO SCARY OK!! Den he said u wanna come home wif me? I was SO pissed at that point..i juz gave him a dirty look and stomped off. Frm that time i avoided him. i mean he's seriously ugly and scrawny looking..who would even wanna date him let alone haf sex wif him...ewwww...
Then i played wif this asian guy..i tell u almost all d asians haf kiwi accent..its SO irritating..like u feel so weird talking in ur S'porean accent. Anyway that guy was another bum..kept on insulting me wif his big ego..saying i'm such a lousy player..HELLO...like he's any good! Stupid cheenapok..
One thing i knew was that d players were HORRIBLE...if these were those types of stinkin pple i'm never going back there to play..or else i'll bring a huge bodyguard to protect me.

Oh yes..in 2 wks time i'm going for a trip wif my dad's fren's family to SOUTH ISLAND! Gonna pass by Wellington, Dunedin ( pronounced as THE- KNEE- DUN )...pple keep pronouncing it wrongly including me..haha.. hope its nice...


  • At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    aw thats terrible, some guys are soo disgusting! creepy stuff, hey maybe i can go with you next time, i'm really bad at it!
    hey you know the piano teacher does she live in howick?
    well see you next tuesday!

  • At 3:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Damn...that sounds nasty. I feel for you girl. Next time you see him and he starts spouting verbal shame in your general direction. Just punch him in the face. And if that doesn't work, then just kick him where the sun don't shine. That little bitch will think twice before talking to you again once his uterus gets a bruising.


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