a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Which uni should i go to??

Hey guys,

as u noe i've finally gone back to nz. left s'pore on d 31st jan.

to all d pple whom i haf met up, i had such a great time wif u!!
to those whom i couldn't, i'm really sorry! we WILL catch up d nxt time i come back.

so sorry for not updating my blog while in S'pore. There were alot of things to blog about but i didn't haf internet access in d house i was staying (so ironic right...).
For those who don't noe, i did a 1 month attachment in d speech pathology centre for kids in tanglin mall. I had to do it EVERYDAY frm 9am to 12 noon for about a month without getting paid. Its volunteery work u see...so i can build up my credentials..haha.
i kept telling myself to think long term. But overall it was very rewarding n also very tiring!!
I will elaborate more on d nxt entry (if i ever get d time to blog).

Since i've gotten back, i've been unpacking (there's LOTs of stuff to unpack) and thinking about my university entrance...which uni i should go to.

I got accepted into d 3 unis i applied to which is Auckland uni, Massey uni and Canterbury uni. Auckland u is apparently d top uni but i declined it as it didn't contain d course that i wanted.
My aim is to get into the Speech and Language therapy course which is some highly competitive professional degree thingy...
don't even ask why i chose that...its juz smth i wanted.

well thank God n Praise God that i did really well for my national xams last yr. i thought i was gonna do like SO badly..hahaa..

so when i came back to nz, d professer frm massey uni called me up for an interview so i went down to massey campus located at albany, northshore in auckland (super far i tell u..)
interview went really well..thank God too for my attachment in s'pore or else i would not haf been able to answer most questions she asked eg. wat r most children wif speech problems diagnosed wif?? ahhaha...

okay..so when d professor said that massey only accepts 25 students into d 1st yr..i was like...25?!?!?! that's like so few. but all they haf to do is to pass all their papers in their 1st yr to get into d 2nd yr n so forth. so its relatively alright.

university of canterbury accepted me too. this time its 90 spots for d 1st yr but they'll cut 2/3 out n only 30 pple can advance to 2nd yr. if i go there i haf to at least get a B+ average n get pass d interview. man....

so i'm like..okay, i'll probably go to canterbury since its free entry into d 1st yr cos i don't think i can make it into massey's top 25.


to make matters worse...I GOT IN.
d letter came one morning saying, CONGRATULATIONS, u've been accepted into massey's speech n language therapy course!
i'm like..great....now i don't noe which one to go to, massey or canterbury.

i had to sit down wif my parnts for like 3 hrs n discuss wif them d pros n cons about each uni.
good thing about massey is that its ezier to get into d 2nd yr and its nearer to home (in auckland too!) but canterbury has a great campus life plus nice scenery which i look forward too!

i've decided that if i can't get a good accommodation for massey (its 2hrs drive frm there to my place wif d traffic jams so that's why i haf to live there) then i'll choose canterbury.
but there's this nagging thought... wat IF i can't get into d top 30 in canterbury???? if that's d case i haf to go back to auckland n go to auckland uni to do a bachelors in COMMERCE..econs..which i HATE to do. i'm already gonna do 2 econs papers in canterbury for safety precautions.

last night i had a dream that i went to canterbury...weirdest part was it didn't look like it at all...
but i met so many s'poreans there n most of them were frm mg...which also didn't make any sense at all.
maybe its a sign frm God that i should go there.

but i really really don't noe. i hope i won't regret my decision.

the future looks frightfully daunting.

if i go to canterbury, i'll live in a hall n be all alone without my family..smth i noe alot of us haf never been thru..n i'm scared. scared that i won't get into d course n scared that i'll lose my SACRED possesions like my contact lenses n various gadgets.
afraid that i'll forget to lock my dorm door n be a victim to theft. SIGH!.

anyway if ur reading this, pls say a little prayer for me that i'll noe which decision to make. cos right now i can't decide btwn massey or canterbury. n i don't wanna do BCOM!!! argh..

will update u guys on which uni i'll choose!

till then.

PS: d hall residence toilets in canterbury is Co-ed. SO AWFUL! don't they haf any sense to build a girls toilet n guys toilet separately?!?! imagine bathing nxt to a guy n only be separated by a partition *shudders.......*