another definition of holiday is break to STUDY.
holidays are almost over.
they started 2 weeks ago.
today is the last day of holiday.
this round of hols sucked man..
had to catch up on sch work which i'm v. far behind. Why?
1. cos i've been slacking quite a bit thru d whole yr
2. cos d teachers in my sch SUCK big time. well most of them at least.
3. there r so much things to learn.
plus i got sick several times in d hols. had fever, cold n cough. n i'm telling u i don't get sick easily.
d hols had some of its highlights though. esther came to stay in my house for a slp over! n we went to dress mart...a shopping mall i wanted to go so much! but unfortunately i didn't buy any clothes cos i notice that nz fashion is v. skanky n low yes..i'm a v. conservative person. even my mum wants me to wear those low cut stuff okay! n i'm juz like NO WAY. n she goes on about how old fashion i a country bumpkin. -_-'.
sch is in 2 days time. i'm NOT looking forward to it.
but then again its juz 4 more weeks b4 term 4 ends! then exam comes so NO sch! YAY! d final day of sch b4 xams start is nov 10 (my 18th birthday! *hint hint*) so its great.
i'm seriously considering being an anti social once sch starts. that means going up to d correspondence room to study every lunch period (which i think i can't) n juz being a typical asian in nz (studying every min of sch)... bcos i haf SO much to study before mocks which is not funny.
sometimes i wonder why God put me in elim.
if it was to fulfill some purpose of his, then i don't really get it. cos basically i'm not gonna miss anyone in elim except for a few frens whom i can count wif my fingers on 1 hand. sad.
there r times where i feel v. lonely. sg frens r so far away n i don't haf any gd frens here. seems really sucky eh.
i'm juz gonna tell myself once 30 nov goes by i'm FREE. well nov 10 i'll be rid of d normal routines of sch life. so there.
was also looking at my testimonials on friendster...n reminiscing about d past esp last yr. Its quite sad how pple who were once ur gd frens now don't speak to u anymore or r not in contact wif. pple always say 'frens forever!' but how far is that phrase true??? cos more often than not its not really true.
pple forget u or lose touch wif u. pple move on. u move on. u fight wif pple and that's it.
the end of the story.
At 1:03 AM,
J said…
Hey, you didn't write about our murder mystery! And if ya wana be anti social and study let me know! I tried it last year but as no1 else did i felt dumb. So we can be anti-social 2gether.. if tht makes sense. Well have fun. Cya on mon.
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