a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Thursday, July 27, 2006

internals coming up. 2nd week of term 3

Hey people!

i've neglected my blog for such a long time n for that i apologise. Its d 2nd wk of term 3 n i have SO MANY internals (aka projects which count for uni entrance)...i haf eng oral presentation which i'm doing on racial discrimination, econs, bio n an advert for multimedia! AHH!

anyway i shall tell u wat i did last week which was wk 1 of term 3. On thurs 20th of july my bio class went on a field trip to liggins institution of biotechnology, part of auckland uni. It was quite fun i guess. We learnt of this thing called Myostatin. Myostatin is some chemical in ur body which wastes ur muscles away...We all haf myostatin..so if we don't exercise myostatin increases but if we do then it decreases. SO anyway these researchers were investigating why some animals n in one case a human did not haf any myostatin! they showed us pics of a belgium cow and mouse twice d normal size due to so many muscles, and there was this 7 yr old boy who could lift two 3 kg dumbbells...heh! We also did PCR, gel electrophoresis.
Later Mrs Bailey had a bone scan n we saw all her bones..it was pretty interesting. N all of us got our BMI, weight n height tested on this special machine. My BMI was lower than normal..hah!...n the machine told me how much fat i haf in me n my body mass...haha...

On sun during church we had 2 malaysian frens visiting us on holiday. Petrina n Rachel. such nice pple, kindred souls. n later we were invited by our indian neighbour to haf tea wif them...n i played playstation wif their kids..haha..playstation is actually quite fun, n i thought it was useless. U noe i find its really ez to make frens wif asians more than d whites(some r really nice though =D) and i feel more comfortable around wif them. I guess in my opinion asians are more warm n friendly who love being wif pple n making lots of frens.

well 4 more months b4 i go back to s'pore! can't wait.
n d ball is this sat. CAN wait. We (me n some closer frens in elim) are gonna hold d preball at my house.hah..that should be fun.
will post pics of d ball soon!

PS: will be going less online n blogging less frequently cos of xams coming. I guess its time to stop slacking (which i did in d past 5 months) n start getting my priorities right. its all bout choices.

take care pple!


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