a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Saturday, August 26, 2006


Hey people,
i juz finished completing my econs, bio n english internals!!! i feel SO relieved!! finally i feel less stressed n can now concentrate on studying for mocks n d NCEAs...
well so u might b asking how am i now??

i feel great. sch's getting alot better and interesting cos i'm making new frens n getting to noe them better. i think its prob cos of d internals. internals haf bonded us closer together..
u noe wat? i feel more at home..n i don't miss home that much..but that doesn't mean that i've forgotten bout my frens!
i finally feel that i BELONG in my sch.. after like half a yr of getting used to.. pple haf warmed up considerably n r friendlier.
n bcos of that i can finally be myself..like my true bubbly self with no hindrances (esp wif d whites)..smth which i couldn't do 5 months back. its like i suddenly feel that my true happy nature has come back..not like d 'abnormal laureen' who used to be reserved and introverted.. n comparing bout everything in NZ to s'pore (well sm things i still compare!).

Internals r like exams aka projects but r marked by ur teachers. N even though at first i hated internals i think it has brought me closer to my frens n given me more confidence n d fact that i can do it.. like for my english internal i had to do an oral presentation, n i based my topic on racial discrimination...had to speak in front of d entire class full of angmohs n stuff..it was pretty scary since they're pretty good in english n speaking too.. but guess wat?? i had an excellence!! n it was good cos i proved to them that i wasn't some cheena china person who couldn't speak english...i proved to them that asians CAN speak well.

today i boarded d bus for d FIRST time since i came here, to auckland uni OPEN DAY.. met up wif some closer frens in yr 13.
Went to attend a lecture on health science n linguistics..
if i end up going to auckland uni, i won't do health science..
but u noe.. i wanna do speech n language therapy which is based in Canterbury uni..in christchurch but its really hard n only 30 pple r chosen for yr 2 to specialise...so by going there i would b taking a great risk..leaving my family behind n not knowing whether i'll do well enough to get in..
i'm rather confused about wat i wanna take...was thinking bout taking 2 degrees at one time so that my qualifications would look better than juz 1 degree..but i think its too much work. ARGH! so confused!
anyway went walking around wif james, amy, suhani n mehak..n we were one of d last ones to leave d campus cos we were playing some card games wif some random strangers we met..haha..
collected lots of freebies too! eg. a waterbottle, cans of tuna, pens, bookmarks, bag, postcard! hahaha! so freeloadish..heh!

well i'll update when i can.
see u soon.


  • At 4:36 AM, Blogger J said…

    esp the whites??? racism!! :)


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