a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Which uni should i go to??

Hey guys,

as u noe i've finally gone back to nz. left s'pore on d 31st jan.

to all d pple whom i haf met up, i had such a great time wif u!!
to those whom i couldn't, i'm really sorry! we WILL catch up d nxt time i come back.

so sorry for not updating my blog while in S'pore. There were alot of things to blog about but i didn't haf internet access in d house i was staying (so ironic right...).
For those who don't noe, i did a 1 month attachment in d speech pathology centre for kids in tanglin mall. I had to do it EVERYDAY frm 9am to 12 noon for about a month without getting paid. Its volunteery work u see...so i can build up my credentials..haha.
i kept telling myself to think long term. But overall it was very rewarding n also very tiring!!
I will elaborate more on d nxt entry (if i ever get d time to blog).

Since i've gotten back, i've been unpacking (there's LOTs of stuff to unpack) and thinking about my university entrance...which uni i should go to.

I got accepted into d 3 unis i applied to which is Auckland uni, Massey uni and Canterbury uni. Auckland u is apparently d top uni but i declined it as it didn't contain d course that i wanted.
My aim is to get into the Speech and Language therapy course which is some highly competitive professional degree thingy...
don't even ask why i chose that...its juz smth i wanted.

well thank God n Praise God that i did really well for my national xams last yr. i thought i was gonna do like SO badly..hahaa..

so when i came back to nz, d professer frm massey uni called me up for an interview so i went down to massey campus located at albany, northshore in auckland (super far i tell u..)
interview went really well..thank God too for my attachment in s'pore or else i would not haf been able to answer most questions she asked eg. wat r most children wif speech problems diagnosed wif?? ahhaha...

okay..so when d professor said that massey only accepts 25 students into d 1st yr..i was like...25?!?!?! that's like so few. but all they haf to do is to pass all their papers in their 1st yr to get into d 2nd yr n so forth. so its relatively alright.

university of canterbury accepted me too. this time its 90 spots for d 1st yr but they'll cut 2/3 out n only 30 pple can advance to 2nd yr. if i go there i haf to at least get a B+ average n get pass d interview. man....

so i'm like..okay, i'll probably go to canterbury since its free entry into d 1st yr cos i don't think i can make it into massey's top 25.


to make matters worse...I GOT IN.
d letter came one morning saying, CONGRATULATIONS, u've been accepted into massey's speech n language therapy course!
i'm like..great....now i don't noe which one to go to, massey or canterbury.

i had to sit down wif my parnts for like 3 hrs n discuss wif them d pros n cons about each uni.
good thing about massey is that its ezier to get into d 2nd yr and its nearer to home (in auckland too!) but canterbury has a great campus life plus nice scenery which i look forward too!

i've decided that if i can't get a good accommodation for massey (its 2hrs drive frm there to my place wif d traffic jams so that's why i haf to live there) then i'll choose canterbury.
but there's this nagging thought... wat IF i can't get into d top 30 in canterbury???? if that's d case i haf to go back to auckland n go to auckland uni to do a bachelors in COMMERCE..econs..which i HATE to do. i'm already gonna do 2 econs papers in canterbury for safety precautions.

last night i had a dream that i went to canterbury...weirdest part was it didn't look like it at all...
but i met so many s'poreans there n most of them were frm mg...which also didn't make any sense at all.
maybe its a sign frm God that i should go there.

but i really really don't noe. i hope i won't regret my decision.

the future looks frightfully daunting.

if i go to canterbury, i'll live in a hall n be all alone without my family..smth i noe alot of us haf never been thru..n i'm scared. scared that i won't get into d course n scared that i'll lose my SACRED possesions like my contact lenses n various gadgets.
afraid that i'll forget to lock my dorm door n be a victim to theft. SIGH!.

anyway if ur reading this, pls say a little prayer for me that i'll noe which decision to make. cos right now i can't decide btwn massey or canterbury. n i don't wanna do BCOM!!! argh..

will update u guys on which uni i'll choose!

till then.

PS: d hall residence toilets in canterbury is Co-ed. SO AWFUL! don't they haf any sense to build a girls toilet n guys toilet separately?!?! imagine bathing nxt to a guy n only be separated by a partition *shudders.......*


  • At 4:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    dear laureen, praying 4 u now. be confident!! you'll make a good choice either way-- both are good universities, each with their own strengths and sets of challenges too.

    co-ed bathrooms are the least of your worries ;-) i survived a year of it, and i must say it was even fun, because you get free music next to you... hahaha. no seriously, hostel life is SOOOO fun! very rewarding. but be prepared to be way out of your comfort zone.

    if you are willing to take everything as an adventure, you can make it a most beautiful memory you will never forget! canterbury, girl! south island is more beautiful :-P
    love mel

  • At 1:44 AM, Blogger J said…

    Which 1 u pick? Massey ryt? We need 2 ctch up soon! Havent seen ya in ages!


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