a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Friday, January 05, 2007

i'm FINALLY back in Singapore!

hello everyone who's reading this.

i'm NOT gonna change blog cos guess wat??? the tagboard's WORKING!! finally...after like 2 months. haha.

i touched down in Singapore on d 7th dec.
sat on SQ flight for like 10 hrs...thank goodness i had an aisle seat plus nxt to d toilet! haha..only inconvenience was that this angmoh couple kept going to d toilet so i had to keep crossing my legs on d arm rest n try to balance a cup of water on my lap...its quite hard. haha.

all in all i was DAMN HAPPY to be home lah...
it was so comforting to see d twinkling lights of S'pore as d plane touched down. :)

i haf almost been here for a month. currently staying in simei wif my aunt.
however things in S'pore were not wat i expected it to be.
like for d first few weeks i couldn't use d com...don't ask me why. some things are better left unexplained. things were so restrictive living in other pple's home that i finally realised my mum's words that there is no place like home. She also told me s'pore won't b d same cos we won't haf our own home anymore. At first i was like yeahyeah..like it matters...but now i really understand wat that meant.

anyway i haf been meeting up wif frens since i came back. its been fun on a whole but i sense that i've drifted away frm some of them...most coming frm cj. like u noe their not opening up to u..n there r times where its rather awkward. its really sad n disappointing. ironically when it comes to my mg frens we can juz talk n pick up where we left off more than a year ago. i thought it would be d other way around. i finally realised that i made cj alot bigger n better in my mind back in nz then it actually is. still when i see a cjian on d streets i get really excited...dunno why...i'm so weird. n everytime i see jc pple i get so nostalgic..cos jc was d most fun part of my life even though it was juz for a yr. wish i could go back to it, to that EXACT time but that's impossible. pple change n pple move on.

overall coming back to sg was not wat i expected..it was not as grand n exciting as i thought it would be.
BUT. i don't Miss nz AT ALL so at least that's a good thing.

will be going back to nz on d 31st jan.
i've already decided that i'm going to d university of canterbury, christchurch, nz to do bachelors in speech n language therapy (BSLT). its free entry in d 1st year but only 30 pple get in, into d 2nd yr to continue d degree. its a big risk i'm taking but i believe that that's where i ought to go. if God willing then i'll get into d 2nd yr.
i'm gonna be all alone wif out my parnts...so scary right. sigh. i'll probably regret it at first i noe it!...but i think i need to go there to grow up into a real adult. cos only grown ups take adults seriously...not teens nor kids.

uni will commence on d 18th feb but i'll prob haf to go down earlier to get used to hall life.
this is like d biggest decision i've made so far...really hope it turns out fine..


  • At 11:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    laureen,ky here.u'll be fine.we'll pray for u k?


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