a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Monday, December 26, 2005

Not back yet..but at least i still get to blog!

Hey hey!
well..i'm NOT back yet..but i'm using d com in d internet cafe..3 bucks per hr..quite affordable..anyway i'm in Queenstown South Island! This place is like by far d most popular tourist destination..
Anyway i'm not gonna say much cos when i FINALLY come back i'll be recording everyday in South Island on my blog! U may ask..how can i remember wat i did everyday? Bcos i haf super memory of course! hahaha..jk lah..not really..but i do haf a personal diary so i write stuff down after each day...actually i'm suppose to write all these stuff in my travel diary when i go on hols..but its currently STILL in d container...i mean how was i suppose to noe i was going for a holiday in South Island? Well..i SURE didn't ask for it..

Oh well..i WILL be back...n glad u guys find my entries er...entertaining...haha..
thanx loads!
oh yes...T9 pple..haf u even finished ur holiday assignments??? hahaa....that's smth i definitely m glad to get away frm cos its against sch laws in nz for teachers to give holiday hwk!....haha..sorry for rubbing more salt into d wound but i couldn't help it! *sniggers*


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