a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

my 1st hair cut in NZ!

Hey pple!

Today was my 1st hair cut ever since i came here! My parnts n i went to this hairstylist who's actually frm mainland china..went to her house to cut..
I tell u i was like saying my prayers ok.. was SO scared that she'll cut wrongly den i'll loook like crap n be embarrassed for LIFE! In d car on d way i was like praying to God..like commiting d hair cutting session to Him..
When we got there..she cut my hair..n i was giving her all sorts of directions like..i want it layered, thin..d top muzn't be flat!..n d back muz be wispy! hahaha.. in d end it came out better than i expected although its not as good as my previous hairstylist.. d top was a bit flat..not d volume i expected..but still..i didn't look like shit right? So that should be fine =D

Anyway when i was bathing i got a shock of my life..i was like WHERE'S MY RIGHT EARRING?!?! apparently it had mysteriously disappeared..after searching d toilet floor n finding no signs of it.. i suddenly remembered that mayb it could haf dropped in d hair salon..so got my mum to drive there wif me to find it. I was thinking..this is like finding a needle amongst a haystack..or u could say an earring amongst a hairstack..haha.. so i was like praying like siao.
Miraculously when we got there..d lady said that she found my earring juz as she was about to throw d pile of hair away! WOW..God IS good!
N its not d 1st time i lost my earrings too..1st few times were in d shower.. n all d time i found it that is..after praying. God really answers prayers..n He did it again this time! I was like..THANKYOU God..at d same time thinking that my earring was INVINCIBLE..or u could say INDESTRUCTIBLE..hahaha! well..not quite..i should be more careful nxt time.

Anyway I'm moving into my new house nxt mon. Tmr is d Inspection day n i get to choose my room! yayness!
From now on my address is 26 Northpark Avenue Auckland 1705 New Zealand.
If u guys wanna write to me u can write to this address. My home phone no. is +64(country code) 9(area code) 5346678 n if u guys wanna call me to chat i'll be more den happy to talk to u! Cos i miss everyone like siao.....

U noe i will give ALMOST anything to be back in Cj..well almost..

Hope u guys still find time to read my blog..i noe u still haf sch n stuff...but when ur freee u muz go tag my blog ok?? Or else poor laureen will be very sad..haha..


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