a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Thursday, July 27, 2006

internals coming up. 2nd week of term 3

Hey people!

i've neglected my blog for such a long time n for that i apologise. Its d 2nd wk of term 3 n i have SO MANY internals (aka projects which count for uni entrance)...i haf eng oral presentation which i'm doing on racial discrimination, econs, bio n an advert for multimedia! AHH!

anyway i shall tell u wat i did last week which was wk 1 of term 3. On thurs 20th of july my bio class went on a field trip to liggins institution of biotechnology, part of auckland uni. It was quite fun i guess. We learnt of this thing called Myostatin. Myostatin is some chemical in ur body which wastes ur muscles away...We all haf myostatin..so if we don't exercise myostatin increases but if we do then it decreases. SO anyway these researchers were investigating why some animals n in one case a human did not haf any myostatin! they showed us pics of a belgium cow and mouse twice d normal size due to so many muscles, and there was this 7 yr old boy who could lift two 3 kg dumbbells...heh! We also did PCR, gel electrophoresis.
Later Mrs Bailey had a bone scan n we saw all her bones..it was pretty interesting. N all of us got our BMI, weight n height tested on this special machine. My BMI was lower than normal..hah!...n the machine told me how much fat i haf in me n my body mass...haha...

On sun during church we had 2 malaysian frens visiting us on holiday. Petrina n Rachel. such nice pple, kindred souls. n later we were invited by our indian neighbour to haf tea wif them...n i played playstation wif their kids..haha..playstation is actually quite fun, n i thought it was useless. U noe i find its really ez to make frens wif asians more than d whites(some r really nice though =D) and i feel more comfortable around wif them. I guess in my opinion asians are more warm n friendly who love being wif pple n making lots of frens.

well 4 more months b4 i go back to s'pore! can't wait.
n d ball is this sat. CAN wait. We (me n some closer frens in elim) are gonna hold d preball at my house.hah..that should be fun.
will post pics of d ball soon!

PS: will be going less online n blogging less frequently cos of xams coming. I guess its time to stop slacking (which i did in d past 5 months) n start getting my priorities right. its all bout choices.

take care pple!

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Hello people!!

sorry for not updating for so long.

yesterday (sat) was like a super busy day for me.
GAA (my church) had a youth fun day. A kiwi couple opened up their home to all d youth to haf a great time.
We played xbox...pictionary, charades (hah..that was really funny), murderer n detective and some other funny games.
ate pizza, and chips...SO NICE!
charades were really cool.. we had to act out a tv/film show n let pple guess. hahaa..n i had to act out Pride n prejudice! gosh...how does one do that?!
n later we played mafia,police n doctor (smth like murderer n detective)...n i was like mafia twice.. but i kept laughing cos i had to kill pple n so everyone knew i was d mafia..sheesh..hehe..
afterthat i had to go back to church for worship practice. U see i'm finally getting a chance to serve in church by playing d keyboard/synthesizer/piano? ahaha..
we have like the synthesizer n d piano...d piano is for PRO pple to play on..n d pro pianist wasn't here today...so they said i could play for church...n i'm like no way..but anyway i had a go at it...it was quite good. i think i'm improving in terms of improvisation n stuff.
we ended really late at bout 7.30pm...cos we had free flow worship n i played so much till my fingers ached..haha..but it was good. i'm beginning to get d hang of it..n i finally found someone who's worse at playing than me!! hahaa...never thought i'll see d day when i could teach pple how to play for church.HAHA!
later Pastor pang drove me to one of d church members house where my parnts were hafing dinner wif them. They're frm s'pore too n d lady cooked really good food i tell u..all spicy! hmm...
we sat n talked for 3 hrs n i was like d only teen amongst 4 adults... but i thought it was really interesting. we talked bout eating healthly cos d couple owns this business where they sell vitamins n stuff. Anyway we also got to noe them better n they told us how the Lord led them to GAA (grace assembly of auckland)...n there r many pple in GAA who have also been led to this church.
u noe finally i believe that there is a purpose for me here. bcos GAA is a small church i can actually have a chance to develop n haf a go at playing d piano for worship...smthing i always wanted for a long time..where else in fcbc i would haf no opportunity cos only pro pple can play.
you noe today...there was this new s'porean family that came to our church..they juz migrated here.. n they were formerly frm fcbc n d guy played d guitar for worship back then. N u noe worship in GAA is nth compared to fcbc...n d 2 kids were whinning n saying i'm so bored...they dunno how to play... don't noe why i felt really bad..
i guess i felt d same way when i first came to GAA...like its really impt to have quality worship i feel for me...cos i can sense God's presence better n worship is v. fundamental cos it actually prepares someone for d sermon/message. so when i came to GAA i found that i couldn't sense God even though i later found out that He was there all d time...cos i was so used to d professional worship in fcbc. But i've come to realise that on d surface it seems that God is not there but frm many stories n miracles i've seen in this church, deep down beneath that surface, God is working n yeah i'm juz really encouraged by that.

What i've learnt talking with adults.
-air brunei sucks..NEVER take it
-a can of coke has 10 teaspoons of sugar?
-barley green (mashed up barley up in water/soyamilk) contains the same or more energy as caffeine. Just that u can still slp after drinking barley green but not coffee. N after barley green gives u long lasted energy but coffee gives u temporary energy..afterwards its downhill frm there. (courtesy of health gurus Uncle David n Auntie Gillian =D).

to my frens: all the best for ur results tmr. Hope u guys do well! don't be discouraged by d results...hey at least its not d prelims or As...haha..
work hard n jia you!!!

Ps: tag more! i want ur comments! grrr..