a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Hello people!!

sorry for not updating for so long.

yesterday (sat) was like a super busy day for me.
GAA (my church) had a youth fun day. A kiwi couple opened up their home to all d youth to haf a great time.
We played xbox...pictionary, charades (hah..that was really funny), murderer n detective and some other funny games.
ate pizza, and chips...SO NICE!
charades were really cool.. we had to act out a tv/film show n let pple guess. hahaa..n i had to act out Pride n prejudice! gosh...how does one do that?!
n later we played mafia,police n doctor (smth like murderer n detective)...n i was like mafia twice.. but i kept laughing cos i had to kill pple n so everyone knew i was d mafia..sheesh..hehe..
afterthat i had to go back to church for worship practice. U see i'm finally getting a chance to serve in church by playing d keyboard/synthesizer/piano? ahaha..
we have like the synthesizer n d piano...d piano is for PRO pple to play on..n d pro pianist wasn't here today...so they said i could play for church...n i'm like no way..but anyway i had a go at it...it was quite good. i think i'm improving in terms of improvisation n stuff.
we ended really late at bout 7.30pm...cos we had free flow worship n i played so much till my fingers ached..haha..but it was good. i'm beginning to get d hang of it..n i finally found someone who's worse at playing than me!! hahaa...never thought i'll see d day when i could teach pple how to play for church.HAHA!
later Pastor pang drove me to one of d church members house where my parnts were hafing dinner wif them. They're frm s'pore too n d lady cooked really good food i tell u..all spicy! hmm...
we sat n talked for 3 hrs n i was like d only teen amongst 4 adults... but i thought it was really interesting. we talked bout eating healthly cos d couple owns this business where they sell vitamins n stuff. Anyway we also got to noe them better n they told us how the Lord led them to GAA (grace assembly of auckland)...n there r many pple in GAA who have also been led to this church.
u noe finally i believe that there is a purpose for me here. bcos GAA is a small church i can actually have a chance to develop n haf a go at playing d piano for worship...smthing i always wanted for a long time..where else in fcbc i would haf no opportunity cos only pro pple can play.
you noe today...there was this new s'porean family that came to our church..they juz migrated here.. n they were formerly frm fcbc n d guy played d guitar for worship back then. N u noe worship in GAA is nth compared to fcbc...n d 2 kids were whinning n saying i'm so bored...they dunno how to play... don't noe why i felt really bad..
i guess i felt d same way when i first came to GAA...like its really impt to have quality worship i feel for me...cos i can sense God's presence better n worship is v. fundamental cos it actually prepares someone for d sermon/message. so when i came to GAA i found that i couldn't sense God even though i later found out that He was there all d time...cos i was so used to d professional worship in fcbc. But i've come to realise that on d surface it seems that God is not there but frm many stories n miracles i've seen in this church, deep down beneath that surface, God is working n yeah i'm juz really encouraged by that.

What i've learnt talking with adults.
-air brunei sucks..NEVER take it
-a can of coke has 10 teaspoons of sugar?
-barley green (mashed up barley up in water/soyamilk) contains the same or more energy as caffeine. Just that u can still slp after drinking barley green but not coffee. N after barley green gives u long lasted energy but coffee gives u temporary energy..afterwards its downhill frm there. (courtesy of health gurus Uncle David n Auntie Gillian =D).

to my frens: all the best for ur results tmr. Hope u guys do well! don't be discouraged by d results...hey at least its not d prelims or As...haha..
work hard n jia you!!!

Ps: tag more! i want ur comments! grrr..


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