a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Oh my goodness!!
sch is starting in 2 days n i'm hafing nervous jittersss!!!

right now i only know like 1 person in d whole level...i only haf 1 fren..so basically i'm starting frm scratch..
n i bet i'm like d only new comer to yr 13 ok..i mean its like
yr 13= j2...who in d RIGHT mind would actually go into a new sch for j2?! i heard that there r lots of yr 12s joining..i juz hope that i'm SO not d only one..

plus remember i told u i had NO skirt..so that means i haf to wear any black skirt..thank goodness my cousin (whom i don't even know...n yes..i juz found out that i haf 2 cousins in nz) lent me some long black skirts of hers..or else i haf to wear my SUPER SHORT one..gross

oh yah..on wed i start sch. d next day is some leadership training camp for us yr 13s.. n on fri is d camp for d yr 12s cos yr 13s n yr 12s r d seniors..so that means i get fri off!! hahaha.. n d following week on mon is a public holiday...heard that its called Waitangi day...some weird day to mark d Maoris signing some treaty yrs ago..haha..

and guess wat??! we r loaned txt books..we don't BUY them..we borrow them..n when d exams r nearing d sch takes them away..gosh..i think i haf to photocopy d whole txt book to make sure i pass..
u noe pple start collecting credits frm yr 11 in d NCEA (national exam) for uni entrance...u haf to at least get 42 credits..n i haf like wat...less than 1 yr to get 42 or more since i'm entering d last yr!! i mean..OH MY gosh..probably is so gonna be stressful..n it doesn't help that i forgot basically wat i learnt in j1...ahhh!!!!

oh yah.. CNY was spent slaving away unpacking..wiping stuff n getting all hot n sweaty..it was SO SAD...we didn't even visit anyone n i didn't get any angbaos!!! ahhhhH!!!!

i so miss cny in s'pore..i wanna go back!!
back to cj..back to my HOME HOME HOME!!!

okok..so i'm over reacting alittle..BUT STILL!! gahhh..need to get a hold on myself..

oh yes..i'm so apprehensive about my classmates...most of them r angmohs..n i feel so weird making frens wif them..well asians no prob ( well..s'poreans i guess ).

Yesterday was feeling anti social..so juz pulled a black face while eating lunch wif my parnts' frens..probably shouldn't haf done that..but i juz didn't feel friendly at that time..so NOT me...maybe i didn't like d company too?? oh well..muz be friendly muz be friendly muz be friendly!! ahhhhhh...

ok then....thanx for tagging! Pls do tag again when u guys haf d time ok???

I still miss u guys..u noe who i'm taking about...YOU LAH! hahaa


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