a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Thursday, February 02, 2006

School has FINALLY started...

Hey hey...
1st day of sch was 2 days ago on wed. It was really really uneventful..i mean i expected more u noe..n i only made 1 fren..ONE fren only..some korean girl.. at that time i was too scared n shy to make frens wif d angmohs..
Well..my class only has 10 pple. there r 4 asians including me but i'm d only S'porean...there r 2 koreans n 1 hongkey guy...yeah..

Today we were introduced to our new class..no lessons so it was REALLY dull..instead we were forced to re-decorate d noticeboards..
We ended sch early. But i really felt so defeated..i mean i used to make frens so easily in S'pore but here...its SO hard..i mean in cj it wasn't hard cos everyone was new to d environment but now..hmm.. at that time i juz hoped that i wouldn't juz haf 1 fren d whole yr around..that would be simply awful.

Anyway now comes the happy part.
The next day which was a thursday was an off day for us yr 13s cos d yr 12s were hafing a leadership training day camp. Ours was only on fri...
So when fri (which is today) came we were allowed to go to sch (yr 13s) in our muffti (its a term they use for normal clothes). I walked to sch thru this park near my house..it took me about 20 mins..n its quite deserted so yeah..not nice at all..

We had Leadership training camp as we r d seniors of d sch.. at first i felt really out of place n i REALLY felt like crying i tell u...arghh..but then it got better...cos my South African fren (whom i got to know way before sch started) introed me to all her frens...n we were made to form groups to do all sorts of challenges. there were 3 grps by d way. So we were given all sorts of word puzzles n stuff...n i am proud to say that i helped solve a few.. =D
By d end of d day i had made some frens..well..d girls were v. nice but d guys were weird...n quite cold..but oh well..almost all guys r like that when u first know them..so yeah.. although there were a few crazy pple there.
Anyway we also got to hear pastors share their testimony n about Christ n how we should be doing smth about our lives n live for Him. We were made to pen down all our goals we wanted to see for this yr n seal it in an envelope. In 6 months time we would open it up n see whether we haf fulfilled them.

Well..d day was quite good so far..SO MUCH better than d 1st day of sch.. guess wat..i found out that there r only like 25 pple in MY whole level...cos last yr alot of pple left d college. There r 2 northern indians, lots of South africans, 5 asians in d whole level n not forgetting d kiwis.
I was suppose to walk home frm sch..but u see d path's so confusing that i wasn't v. confident. So one of my frens i made offered to bring me back home. U noe she has her full license already k! hahaha...i think i will start learning my highway code first..that's d first step i'll take.
Anyway..this coming mon is Waitangi day (public holiday) so sch starts on tues...well d FULL BLOWN lessons start on tues...its gonna be WORK WORK WORK frm tues onwards..better start enjoying myself frm now till mon! haha..

oh yah..u noe there's so many weeds n wild grass growing in d front lawn of my house that its driving me nuts..seriously..i think i haf to go borrow a lawn mower n mow all d sickening weeds out..or use weed killer! MUAHAHAHA! *DIE YOU FILTHY WEEDS!! DIEEEE!!*

PS: thanx so much for all ur encouragement on my 1st day of sch.. still missing all of u!! Take care!


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