a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Friday, June 30, 2006

english internal finally over!!! say HELLO to the holidays!

Hey everyonnnee!

i'm finally free cos my english internal (aka project counted for d finals) are OVER!! we had to write an essay bout any topic...n i chose to write on racial discrimination. wrote like 2000 over words...heh.. everyone was rushing to finish it cos it was due today.
sch today was a waste of time other than handing in d internal...didn't do anything...i juz stoned for d whole english period n Mrs Tito apologised to me n said that usually d last day of sch was a slacker day...n she said..i bet u don't have that in s'pore..heh..sure we don't!
since i'm free now i shall tell u bout my whole week. Its winter now...more like d PEAK of winter..i walk to school in 5 to 6 degrees everday and its freezing...u can literally feel d cold cutting thru u n ur fingers going so numb u can't move it...but as i walk i warm up..so it isn't so bad...i haf rosy cheeks now cos of walking everyday. This whole week its been so cold that u can see d grass covered with ice as if someone painted it white...its real pretty n if i had a cam if with me i would haf taken a picture.
tony's bdae was this week too..invited all his taiwanese frens, me, christine n our whole clique to eat bbq -eat all u can- buffet in Khan mongolian restaurant. actually i wasn't gonna go cos it was 17 bucks per person which later turned out to be 23 bucks (cos he was mistaken) but in d end i went. D food was real good...they had different varieties of meat and u could eat as much stuff as u wanted...den after taking ur food, d cooks would fry it for u on d spot. I had a great time..taking photos..eating...i ate more than some of d guys there...totally pigged out i tell u..ate like 4 plates worth of meat, + fries, nachos, ice cream, soup, fruits..heh!
i honestly hope my tummy won't bcome fat cos that's one of d things worrying me (plus MY eyebags).
today was d last day of sch..so many pple didn't come. SIGH!
christine, tracy didn't come. theresa wanted to stay in d com lab for lunch..so i didn't haf anyone to eat wif...was quite bummed out..so i hung out wif d yr 12s..who r surrprisingly nice.
Was actually a blessing in disguise cos i got to make more frens n get to noe others better.
anyway sch's starting for u guys back in s'pore! all d best for d rest of mid yrs...JIA YOU ok??? don't give up. don't feel sian. like they say there's always someone in a worse position compared to u.

i'll post pics later. Too lazy now. =p!

God bless!!


  • At 4:29 AM, Blogger J said…

    Hey, the Khan is really nice. I love it.

    So how was the Ice Rave?



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