a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Thursday, June 22, 2006

a nike water bottle in wrong hands can have disastrous results

Hey pple!

as u noe, i'm in d midst of filming a video for my multimedia project and we haf to do on some political campaign....n we came up wif d idea that we'll pretend to be 2 candidates contesting for presidency... my fren is like d pai kia...n i'm d super goody good person (as always XD). So d film shows her wild side of life and my good clean life...den we'll ask viewers which one they'll vote for.

We haf already finished wif d planning...so on tues we went to film d introduction of me and my 'office life' in my house. Then we went to a park near her house to film me n her jogging...wif d help of her dear fren! haha...n i tell u its FREEZING..like WINTER...n we had to jog wif juz our t-shirts n shorts!! arghhh...hahaha.
afterthat we went to my fren's place to film HER introduction.
it was pretty fun.

so today during multimedia we uploaded d photos...but b4 that we couldn't find d wire to upload it so Mr Charman asked Ryno to help us...big mistake...our dear fren has a obsession with nike water bottles..aka he likes to spray pple wif it... -_-'. So while helping us to upload d photos he grabs my nike water bottle n sprays me all over...n i was like..arghh!! revenge!! so i sprayed him back...as always. Den Dillon comes around to join the party n starts grabbing MY water bottle n spraying at me...Christine joins in too... so u can imagine d havoc it was causing in d multimedia room. And then as we were waiting for d video to upload, Dillon starts messing wif my hair (gah!)...n all my fringe comes down..n he's like..WHOA...that's so cool! u look so dark aka evil. ( n ryno agrees...-_-'). To top that off, Scott suddenly stands in front of me n tries to fart in front of my face...SO DISGUSTING...gosh...n den i'm like EWWW...n try to get away frm him as far as possible...n he gives me d middle finger so many times till i bcome dizzy wif that image. sigh...den Ryno or wait..isit Dillon?? i can't remember..anyway one of them takes d water bottle wif out me looking n sprays me till i get water inside my blouse...n i'm dripping...SIGH! so i haf to go to d toilet to dry up...
thus ends another unproductive day in multimedia class...

anyway tmr I will be going with some friends to Paradise Ice Skating ring where they're holding a Ice Rave..smth like clubbing...to film our multimedia project. Frankly i'm not really looking forward to it..since i haf to dress in a short skirt (so NOT like me) n its cold...n i can't dance for nuts..plus its late at night n not exactly d safest place on earth.. remember this is my 1st time i'm gonna be 'clubbing'...well we don't haf a choice cos neither of us r at d legal age to go to a pub n film.

so yeah..wish me luck tmr.
anyway Amanda is going back to s'pore for a 2 wk vacation...1 wk b4 d hols start...lucky girl...n she'll be able to eat all d nice hawker food.. char kway teow, hor fun, mee siam, laksa, chicken rice, roti prata, mee goreng n d list goes on and on and on.

5 more months and 1 wk before i see my BEAUTIFUL Singapore.
till then!

take care pple n all d best for mid yrs!! jia you!!


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