a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Continuation of my 'not so exciting' sch life in nz

Hey guys..
really so sorry that i only updated for so long..haf been really bz with sch work cos they give so much hwk!!! n i'm practically studying everyday...i think i study more than in S'pore lah..but d work is definitely easier.

Well..juz to tell u that i still really miss u guys even though some of u might not miss me anymore since its been nearly 3 months since i've come here.

Anyway everyday i walk a total of 40 mins to n frm sch...its SO tiring ok..my feet literally ache after that..
n guess wat??? A few days ago this new comer came to my class n she's a S'POREAN!!!! i was like HEY..R U NEW??? so typical of me when i was in cj... n i was SO SO SO elated that there was another s'porean...now there's 2 of us in yr 13, n 1 in yr 12..we hang out together.. n she came wif her mum n i discovered that her mum's going back to s'pore so she's gonna be all alone..n her mum was crying in front of me a STRANGER when she told me..whoa..i felt so sad man..

oh yes.. Valentine's day was a boring event. Its not like mg or cj which sells flowers n all kinds of v day stuff...n i didn't get anything naturally so yeah... worse part was that both of my s'porean frens cried on that day..cos one missed her frens n family n d other missed her bf...(i can't relate to that part though..) n i was juz comforting them..juz seemed to make me think about home n miss everyone again.. so yeah..i was v. sad.. d rest of d day was spent in depression staring out into d courtyard looking at flowers n grass which probably wasn't a good idea since i think d angmohs may haf thought i looked anti social cos i had this stony expression on my face.

well i tell u its REAL hard to make angmoh frens..i mean i've talked to d girls n they r quite decent..but its usually those hi n bye stuff..afterthat for d whole day we juz don't talk anymore..n for d guys its worse..u noe i'm SO totally freaked out by d head boy..(i forgot to tell u that d selection of headboy n headgirl was on mon).. i mean he's SO tall n serious..n he's 17 but looks like a 25...so intimidating..so yes i avoid him..
i mean i REALLY wanna make frens wif ALL of them but its so hard cos they haf cliques already..so i juz hang out wif d asians who speak english...
i think there r 2 angmoh guys who i actually speak to.. but not too often..so its quite sad..
they could be more accepting right??? u noe i used to be all outgoing last time in s'pore...but now i'm so quiet u won't believe it..but i talk more than d rest of d asians to d angmohs.. its like i always haf to start a conversation wif d whites.. y can't they juz make it ezier for me?? I CAN SPEAK FLUENT ENGLISH U KNOW.. really wanna scream that fact into their brains.. oh well..
seriously i so want to get to know them but its so hard since i haf to do all d talking mostly (n i don't know wat to talk about..so i make small talk) n also cos i'm v. shy n haf no courage to get to know some pple even though i want to (talking to d girls isn't d problem). Sm times i think i'm quite anti-social n rude cos i'm too scared to acknowledge like some pple in my class so i juz avoid eye contact wif them..so not me..
u noe since i'm here..i suddenly realised how valuable n treasured my s'porean frens r to me now...n how i appreciate them so much.. u noe alot of pple say that i'm so lucky to come here well d grass is always greener on d other side i must say..
so pple..don't take ur frens for granted cos u never noe wat might happen..
Anyway i've decided to join volleyball.. i'm new to d game so today was my 1st practice wif d team..actually i joined it to make new frens n be more active n stuff. oh yes... today i decided that i should acknowledge pple i haf ignored due to my shyness so during volleyball where i watched how they played d match (since i'm new)..i saw d headboy watching too..so i was like its kinda rude to juz ignore him since i'm in his econs class so i smiled at him for courtesey..i mean it would be SO utterly rude if i juz ignored him or anyone i knew for that matter... so yeah..but once i said hello to one of my schmates cos i saw him in Bunnings ware house..n i thought since i knew him it would be polite to say hi but instead he juz gave me this really weird look like..y r u trying to say hi for...
WAHLAU..i can juz tear my hair out of my head.

Oh yes..today was Muffti day..where we could wear anything we wanted.. everytime d sch raises money for d less fortunate we haf muffti day but we each haf to contribute 1 dollar...so yeah..it was kinda nice not to haf to wear uniform again.

Sigh!! sorry pple this is a long entry since i've not blogged for such a long time. I really hope that u can leave more comments for me cos i need to be encouraged...oh yes.. for those in S'pore u can subscribe free to ZONE 1511, d cheapest phone operater..like 4 cents a min..den u guys can call me!!! especially for my gd frens n frens in cj!! ex classmates too!! PLEASE call me when ur free ok???i need to talk to u guys to preserve my sanity...seriously..i practically begging u. Anyway to keep in constant contact my home no. is +64 (country code..well u don't haf to put it as d ZONE 1511 will replace it) 9 (area code) 5346678.

yeahh..miss u guys!!

one more one less.


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