a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Hey everyone!'

ok yesterday i was FINALLY gonna exercise and swim wif christine, brenda and theresa in lloyd estmore public swimming pool.

so its raining very VERY heavily BUTTT d pool is indoors and its heated!
my dad drove me in d pouring rain and i literally had to run in d rain to d swimming complex. And juz in case u don't noe this is my first time.
When i went there i was so lost lah..i couldn't even find my frens!! n u noe me..i was panicking like siao.. no handphone to call anyone n my dad went home already. Didn't really wanna swim alone so i juz waited for them to turn up. Thankgoodness christine came in 10 mins..
i was like THANK GOD lah...
anyway we were gonna tell her mum who was in d car outside that she could go now cos her mum was waiting for her. Just as we were about to do so, there was this BIG flash of lightning and thunder...all of a sudden there was this flicker of lights n d swimming pool lights went off. Imagine this...its quite freaky.. but luckily d cafe and gym lights were still on...but d manager was evacuating all d swimmers frm d pool..i mean its really scary to swim in d dark..wat if u smash ur head on d wall? heh.. Christine said that it reminded her of d film Poisedon..

God is really good u noe.. bcos if she had come on time, we would already be in d water n her mum would haf gone off...n in less than 5 mins we would haf to get out of d pool cos of d blackout..we would be soaking wet..cold n miserable n we wouldn't be able to go anywhere cos Christine didn't bring her hp too!!
thankgoodness d lights went off before we told her mum to go off or else we would be stuck there.
heh..God's timing is really good eh..

anyway hope u guys r hafing a really good holiday!
my hols start on d 30th of June for 2 wks..
go tag my tagboard if u read this!


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