a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Monday, June 12, 2006


Hello everyone!

after sooo long of not updating i've decided to post some stuff...well d reason why i don't update everytime is bcos there isn't much to write about these days.

yesterday i didn't go to sch!! yipeee!! cos i had a really REALLY bad sore throat, runny nose and slight fever...(blame it on d 2nd meningococcal jab!!). slept till bout 11 smth..but actually i kinda woke up at 7 smth den couldn't go back to slp cos there was this fierce thunderstorm outside. I mean d wind was SO strong until u could hear ur windows vibrating...n it sounded like someone whipping the house...haha..
when i woke up, discovered that our electric supply got cut off. Apparently the WHOLE of auckland's power supply ceased to work and 80% of Nz was currently out of electricity.
thank goodness d power came back on at 1 smth...but i heard on d radio that for some ulu places in d south island, d electricity would come on the next day...which is quite sad.

Well, its winter now n i tell u its freezing. Outside can drop to about 9 degrees...n when u wake up, its like 6-7 degrees.. PLUS i have to walk all d way to my sch in temperatures of 12-13 degrees. pity me.

english internal is coming up...hafn't even done my draft yet!
n i'm seriously hoping my eye bags aren't getting worse...cos they haf reached a VERY seriously point. =(
and i look pasty n white...smth like sherm..haha!
its gross.. ahhh!!!


  • At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey lor. esther here. Take care yes. *Sigh* It's crazy over here. Life is like...FAST FAST FAST and all. We're all busy. Hey, i was supposed to email you. Anyway, don't get too stressed. Take care and God bless. And enjoy your cool weather.


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