a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Monday, December 26, 2005

Not back yet..but at least i still get to blog!

Hey hey!
well..i'm NOT back yet..but i'm using d com in d internet cafe..3 bucks per hr..quite affordable..anyway i'm in Queenstown South Island! This place is like by far d most popular tourist destination..
Anyway i'm not gonna say much cos when i FINALLY come back i'll be recording everyday in South Island on my blog! U may ask..how can i remember wat i did everyday? Bcos i haf super memory of course! hahaha..jk lah..not really..but i do haf a personal diary so i write stuff down after each day...actually i'm suppose to write all these stuff in my travel diary when i go on hols..but its currently STILL in d container...i mean how was i suppose to noe i was going for a holiday in South Island? Well..i SURE didn't ask for it..

Oh well..i WILL be back...n glad u guys find my entries er...entertaining...haha..
thanx loads!
oh yes...T9 pple..haf u even finished ur holiday assignments??? hahaa....that's smth i definitely m glad to get away frm cos its against sch laws in nz for teachers to give holiday hwk!....haha..sorry for rubbing more salt into d wound but i couldn't help it! *sniggers*

Monday, December 19, 2005


Hey Everyone!

I'll be going on a 2 wk holiday to South Island so i won't be able to reply any emails or blog...i haf mixed emotions bout this holiday though..but more happier thoughts than when i first heard it..
I guess i'm finally adjusting to living wif another family..u noe i'm like more tolerant n stuff.. n i've learnt that u can't haf things ur way cos no one's gonna give in to u..as a result i've become like more self controlled even though smtimes i haf d urge juz to SCREAM MY ASS off..oh well..but that's not gonna happen is it? haha..
And i've learnt how to do some chores like washing ur own underwear n OTHER pple's underwear..pretty gross..but yeahh..n i've cleaned so many dishes..haha..even though i hate it.. U see..i've come to realise that chores r non avoidable n that i should juz accept them n stop being spoilt..
Oh wells..it'll be more bearable doing chores if this was my house..haha..cos i'm still on holiday mood..it still feels that i'm juz in NZ for holiday..but i'm sure d yr would get more n more exciting when i start sch in 1st feb.
Oh yah..did u noe that behind my house is a HUGE park n a reserve..i'll be walking there everyday to sch n back..nice for hafing picnics there too!
To my cj class pple: Pls update me about d class k? N pls email!! cos i hardly see u guys online..don't be lazy..go reply me! haha..

I'll be moving into my OWN house in about a wk's time after d trip so i shall haf my OWN com n can use it anytime! WHOOHOO!! haha..yayness!
Anyway i will try my best to describe South Island to u guys in d best possible way..haha...though i'm not v. good in words i'll still TRY.

Here's wishing all of u a MERRY MERRY christmas n a HAPPY new yr! HOHOHO!!
May d Lord be wif each and everyone of u (n i haf NO doubt that He will) as u transit into 2006! All d best for those who r taking As nxt yr! U CAN DO IT!!

Lastly if u do not believe in God, God believes in u!

Friday, December 16, 2005

jam lookalikes and stolen chocolate cake

hello again everyone!
yesterday i came back very late so i didn't have time to update this. Anyway, yesterday was quite interesting..unlike d many boring days stuck at home (well not my home..). Glad that pple find my blog amusing..well actually my life kinda sucks in nz..oh well..another time about that.

Oh yes..that day i woke up n went down stairs to have breakfast. As i was eating my (THANKGOODNESS) egg sandwich..my mum suddenly takes out a bottle of jam is about to spread it n den Auntie Jeanie (my dad's fren's wife) exclaims NOooo! That's not jam! HAHAHA..i burst out laughing like hell.. apparently d jam lookalike was some baking thingy used to glaze fruits...and the funniest thing was that d night before my mum spread that jammy thing onto sandwiches for a fishing trip n my dad, her n Uncle Song Wee ate it without a word of complain! Fancy being a baker and not knowing ur ingredients...*rolls eyes*. My mum was like..no wonder i was wondering how come d jam was colourless when d bottle said berry jam (suppose to be red). SIGH!! according to my dad it tasted weird..hahaha

Anyway afterthat everyone disappeared frm d house leaving me n mel. U noe i love to be alone at home in d day...peace n quiet. Anyway, mel was spring cleaning her room n she was clearing her clothes..i was helping her too..n thus i inherited 4 fairly new pair of shorts, 1 tank top, 2 t shirts. N she was like..omg laureen..i can't believe i was ONCE ur size! HAHA! =D Oh yes..n she made me try on her tube that shrunk in d dry wash..its blue in colour..hahaha..when i tried it in d toilet..it was SO loose..i think if i had jumped abit d whole thing would haf come off..HAHA..but i showed her anyway.. oh u noe i'm not trying to boast or anything but i did really look nice in tubes..n i was contemplating whether i should inherit one..but den i told mel i would rather eat a 1000 carrots (sorry d word carrot juz came to my mouth) den walk around wif a tube. Then d next time i said i'll rather eat 1000 lizards den wear a tube in public (ok..maybe not....that's juz gross).

Oh yes..for dinner we went to a chinese restaurant..AGAIN..i tell u since d time i've come to auckland i've never eaten more chinese food den i have in my LIFE! so horrible..anyway we went to d SAME OLD chinese restaurant..n it was like entering hongkong or china..ewww...there were 3 tables of chinese families excluding ourselves n a table of angmohs (surprisingly). Suddenly while we were eating d restaurant played this Happy Birthday Song...someone was having a Bdae..but d song was SO FUNNY! It was childrens' voices singing..n it was quite out of tune..so we clapped out of politeness.. den not long after they played that Song again..apparently d 2nd chinese family was also having another birthday..it was getting REALLY irritating..mel was like if they play it one more time i'm getting out of this place. Soon enough, another birthday cake arrived for d 3rd family..we were like..aw man!! 3 birthdays frm 3 families! How coincidental..mel was about to leave her seat..though i thought she was joking but she wasn't. However to our relief they didn't play d Song..i think it was really annoying everyone..hahaa

So while we were eating, 3 cheena families were cutting bdae cake...n i was like..awww why couldn't we pretend to haf a birthday too! den we can get cake! hahaha.. i was also eyeing that black forest cake that d last group of pple were having n i was like..wahh..that looks so yummy..if only i could have it!! But i never really thought i could..so i juz stared there longingly. Soon we were d only family left there..d black forest cake family left cos d girl was getting drunk..ahhaha...n there were 3 slices of d cake left...so knowing no one was gonna eat it (n partly cos some of d adults encouraged me to), n knowing that i m a greedy person, i went to steal d whole 3 pieces n ate 1 myself n da paoed d rest home..HAHA
It was quite hilarious (though i didn't see wat was funny about it)..everyone especially d adults were laughing like crazy..n 1 of them said..wow..its not often that someone does smth different..but according to alot of pple Kiwis do juz that!..its their culture to steal unwanted stuff..weird..i think d manner of which i was stealing made everyone go crazy..i was doing it in a secret fashion in case d couple came back for their cake again..ahhaha
There were ex missionaries frm Denmark ( chinese couple ) who were dining wif us..n they actually said they used to drive thru d streets in Denmark looking for unwanted furniture on d street n making it their own..AW MAN! my eyes practically popped out..YUCK..imagine using a piece of broken discarded furniture..that is SO undescribable..oh well..as sherm used to say ECONOMICAL! HAHAHA.. saves money!...hahaa..

Anyway glad that u guys know about my dreadful life in nz..without me emailing..cos its so mah fan n i'm so lazy..
ok then..go tag tag tag n leave ur comments..hopefully some lost soul reads this..or else no one's gonna..haha..

PS: Its 10.16 pm not 12 smth am..d timings in this blog is pretty messed up...

Monday, December 12, 2005

its BORING down here..i'm BORED SiCk!!!!

I really miss home...i really really really do.

Oh well..hafn't updated this in a long while cos one of d com's mouse was spoilt n i wasn't really allowed to use d other com..due to selfish reason's on d person's com's part..in my opinion.
Apparently i've becoming MORE n MORE annoyed bcos of not being able to use d com.. n i'm d sorta person who can't hide her emotions well so it more or less shows up on my face.

ANYWAY... last sat..which was juz a few days ago mel n i decided to go to this event called Christmas In The Park..it was held in this BIG BIG open field in Auckland City..smth like fort canning..nono..like d PADANG..haha! So many pple were there..all seated on d grass..bout 3/4 of pple in NDP in padang. I was like WOW.. and to my dismay mel had to go meet some of her uni frens..all kiwi..gosh..i hate getting aquainted.. den one of her kiwi frens brought this 15 yr old boy..n he had d brightest blue eyes i've ever seen..to d point where it was scary! hahaha!!
All d performances were singing...at first it was really boring..i was like SQUASHED UP...no place to sit! So i had to resort to sitting on d edge of one of d mats which belonged to this maori pple...EDGE i tell u ..EDGEE!! and d mat was taking up SO much place! INCONSIDERATE FREAKS..they weren't even using up all d space..goshh...
n den this maori lady told me to get off her mat in a really mean manner..like giving me a nasty face..i was SO PISSED ok..selfish PIGS..
den other inconsiderate freaks were starting to stand up n block my view..i was at d point of slapping their butts to move away...SIGH..so as a result i had no choice but to stand up as well.
Very few asians were there..i was FLOODED wif kiwis..
den d music started getting funkier n there were so many ang mohs dancing n screaming..it was quite horrible...N u noe d funniest thing was that most asians i see in nz or perhaps in that event had dumb looks on their faces..mel n i agreed that we looked d most intelligent out of d lot..HAHA.. its like all d kiwis were dancing n partying..even mel doing her ceroc dance wif this weird guy both of them almost hitting me due to d lack of space...n i'm juz standing there stiff as a stick trying to get out of their way n looking at d big screen at d same time. The last few performances were d best n there were fire works at d end..lovely...but at d beginning i couldn't help regretting coming there. Afterthat we had to walk a good 40 mins to mel's fren's house so we could get picked up by her mum. I tell u arh... in nz if u can't drive d onli thing u've gotta do is WALK...walk to d cinema..walk to ur fren's house..walk to d nearest shopping complex..n d list goes on..v. v. tiring.
And now its FULL SUMMER..its SO hot like S'pore..i'm suddenly longing for d wind again which i hated at d beginning.
U noe smtimes i make mental notes bout stuff n mean to write it down later in my blog but most of d time i forget...so yeah..haha.
Oh yesss my dad's fren told us that u've gotta take a driving license cos s'pore's license isn't recognised..so he told us his fren was taking driving lessons once..n d instructor asked him wat he will do if he saw a diamond on the road ( n a diamond as u might noe is a diamond which is drawn on d road to tell u that a pedestrian crossing is near) n my dad's fren's fren said Pick it up of course! HAHAHAHA...so funny!!
Anyway i'm gonna be gone for 2 weeks in a wk's time to south island..gonna spend christmas there..smhow i don't feel excited..i dread going..i'll miss my com!!! *whines*
oh yes n did u noee wat Althiaopia means? it meas d phobia of marshmellows!! hAHAHAH!
heh..anyway remember i said that kiwi guys look like toads?? well..i take that back..
haha..cos almost everywhere i go they're so many good looking ang moh guys..but then its not certain whether they're kiwis cos most of them r migrants..even d girls r SO pretty..but most r fat..d slim ones r pretty i mean..but then again ang mohs r juz nice to look at..i'll NEVER date one..NEVER! mark my words!
Oh yeah u noe my dad's fren was talking to me n my family...n he told me in 1 yr he gurantees i'll wanna stay here forever! crazy lah! n he said that u may haf alot of frens to send u off b4 u leave nz..n it may seem grand..but when u come back to visit..less pple will send u off..ur frens will drift apart frm u..n u'll find other frens in nz..so much so that u might never wanna come back to S'pore...u noe i haf a naggy feeling that might be true.. gosh..i really hope i'll stay in contact wif all my S'porean frens...especially my classmates...

I'm gonna see d movie Narnia tmr!! YAY!! FINALLY!!!
anyway as u can see i've decided to take on table tennis..provided i nv see that indian pervert again..haha..n i've bought a pingpong bat..brand new off this online auction where u can bid for anything..its called trade me..specially for kiwis..haha.
oh yah..n nxt yr i'm gonna take up hip hop dancing frm Elim church which provide these classes..hahaha...me taking up dancing's gonna b d biggest joke cos i can't dance for nuts..hahaha..oh well..but its good to try new things right?

Anyway pple pls tag my board! n for those who've tagged ..thanx alot! Go tag somemore k???
I miss everyone dearly...

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

piano lessons and table tennis

Today was quite exciting. Got myself a new piano teacher...kiwi lady..really nice and encourage unlike my previous in Singapore. Today was my 1st lesson..was kinda terrified though..when my mum left i was like NOooo don't leave me here!! hahaha..who m i kidding man..
U noe i expected her to start teaching d grade 8 book straight away but she gave me lots of creative finger exercises n stuff that I've never learnt frm my teachers in S'pore..i was thinking to myself..this is so weird.
haha..but generally it was good.

Afterthat went wif my fren's 11yr old bro n his frens to table tennis in Pakuranga Youth Club..smth like a Community Club. Had to pay 6 bucks to play..and 1 dollar for d bat. Most of d pple playing were all Asians..i think mainland chinese.. all i was d only girl..that sucked.
So we had to play against each other n d winner will advance. I kept on losing man..so sad..but i mean this is my 1st time. Played wif an 11 yr old n won everytime but kept on losing in d 2nd stage. I played against this 16 yr old indian boy who claims used to b frm S'pore but migrated here 2 yrs ago. I tell u..he's such a PERVERT...i was SO disgusted by him k..
He was like do u haf a boyfren? I said i didn't see a need to.Then he kept on saying my legs look good n that i look pretty *rolls eyes* i was at that pt v. v. suspicious n i was like..this guy's up to NO good and i was right! Then he kept rattling on bout saying he had sex wif his girlfren..that many girls wanted to haf sex wif him..i was like WAT?!?!?! SO SCARY OK!! Den he said u wanna come home wif me? I was SO pissed at that point..i juz gave him a dirty look and stomped off. Frm that time i avoided him. i mean he's seriously ugly and scrawny looking..who would even wanna date him let alone haf sex wif him...ewwww...
Then i played wif this asian guy..i tell u almost all d asians haf kiwi accent..its SO irritating..like u feel so weird talking in ur S'porean accent. Anyway that guy was another bum..kept on insulting me wif his big ego..saying i'm such a lousy player..HELLO...like he's any good! Stupid cheenapok..
One thing i knew was that d players were HORRIBLE...if these were those types of stinkin pple i'm never going back there to play..or else i'll bring a huge bodyguard to protect me.

Oh yes..in 2 wks time i'm going for a trip wif my dad's fren's family to SOUTH ISLAND! Gonna pass by Wellington, Dunedin ( pronounced as THE- KNEE- DUN )...pple keep pronouncing it wrongly including me..haha.. hope its nice...

Friday, December 02, 2005

Its already Dec...

Sorry for not updating for quite along time...d coms in my fren's place were down..mouse spoilt n all..quite frustrating.
Its 3rd of dec already. U noe..time seems to pass v. fast in a day..but d days pass v. v. slowly. I'm missing home even more now. Sharing a house wif a family can be quite inconvenient at times. I don't wanna seem ungrateful but sometimes i feel v. frustrated...it seems even though they say its not that i'm always d one to be blame..messing up stuff.. I'm sorry to say this but i wanna move to my new place as soon as possible. We haf already found a place to stay..nice garden n quite spacious but i don't like d structure of d house.
Since i've come to nz i find that all my inadequacies r surfacing..like now i haf to help out by washing dishes (most of d time trying to escape) n i'm like so dependent..bcos of that getting nagged n blasted by Mum which makes it even worse. I bet i'm like d most useless person in d house..n i bet d whole family finds me so troublesome juz that they juz dun wanna say. I mean i can't cook, clean, do anything..mayb except wash d dishes (which half d time i dun bother to do..too lazy)..gosh..mayb coming here would make me grow up.

Anyway, i've made frens wif 2 south african girls..they're v. v. nice. N i've discovered that there r more migrants den kiwis down here. Heh..so far hafn't made a kiwi fren yet though. Silly com's not working so i better go publish this first.