a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

i lost my folder containing my timetable n vital stuff!!! arghh!!!!

Hello peeps...

i am SO irritated right now..i like lost my clear file folder wif my timetable and exam dates containing VITAL info...gosh! u noe i hate it when i lose stuff...i don't think i dropped it along d way while walking to sch..maybe i left it on d benches when i went to d toilet..but i SO remember gathering up all my stuff..then again..memory can fail a person... SIGH! i discovered that it got lost like many hrs after i came home.. sigh..u noe i'm v. severely handicapped w/o my timetable..
anyway i prayed to God that i'll find it so i haf to believe...hopefully its still in sch..

so going on wif my day...
todae's econs class wasn't that bad even though it was double period...d pple in there looked less intimidating so yeah..maybe i'm starting to get use to d atmosphere..
oh yes..u noe i don't noe why everyone is obsessed wif my smelly belly keychain on my red bag...(remember i haf this cute keychain which almost half of T9 pple haf smelt it..even WITHOUT my knowledge..so that's quite gross). Raino keeps stealing it n waving it in my face n hair which is quite irritating n funny at d same time. don't know y he's so obsessed over it..beats me..
Todae in multimedia class there was an on going chain reaction starting frm d koreans who purposely switched off d coms of d person nxt to them...den b4 i knew it my com got switched off...den i switched sm1 else's com off too...it was quite funny...d whole class was in an uproar!
i mean we hardly ever do stuff since our teacher is away for like 2 days so far n we got that funny indian teacher who can't control d class...so yeah...i keep getting my com switched off by d guys around me (note: multimedia class consists of ALL guys except 5 girls including me)... arghh..y do i always get picked on... maybe cos i'm so bulliable..but i REFUSE to accept that!
anyway todae pple were asking me whether i was ok cos i looked as if i cried...but obviously i did NOT...cos d top of my eyes r red cos of eczema (it used to be worse..but now its ALOT better thanks to God) n of my eyebags below my eyes which haf gone worse since i've come here...n sometimes when i think about home i get quite sad thus my stony n set expression which comes across as depression... but its not surprising cos some pple in cj used to ask me why i looked so sad...i shouldn't look sad cos i don't haf a sad life right? i mean if u compare wif alot of pple..

OK..enough about me! pple tell me how u've done in ur common tests n how ur coping ok???
don't forget me! n leave me a msg on d tag board!!


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