a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Sunday, March 12, 2006

blogging about today n d future events!


okay...so today was bio test...it went SO bad ok!!
like i studied so hard for it but i couldn't remember most things when i did d test...plus i was so tired cos of sleeping at 1am d past few days. To make matters worse d test wasn't exactly easy..n it was like 7 pages long n i had to answer them in 25 mins so naturally i didn't finish..u noe its v. rarely that i don't finish tests..so it was quite a blow to me.

Also discovered that in NCEA exams if u get like some parts of d answer right but don't get d FULL thing correct u will get a BIG FAT ZERO...its not like cambridge xams where they give u a few marks for getting half d answer right...SIGH!

today was spent in d yr 12 common room wif tracy, christine, anthony, jason n andrew...all of whom r taiwanese xcept christine. Christine got in a water fight wif Ryno..hahaha...using her water bottle n Ryno using my nike water bottle...
everyday its like squirting pple wif water..hahaah! funny... it was quite fun today.

anyway on 2nd april i haf a TRAMPING camp! we're gonna hike up i dunno where..hahaha...for 4 hrs to reach our destination..camp outdoors in d wilderness..SO FUN RIGHT??? yeah..i felt that i should try it as its a new experience..smth which i would nv get to do in s'pore.

oh yeah..i feel quite worried for tmr..
its atheletics day tmr n i got put into Joshua House...they made us do like 5 events each!! i'm doing discus, short put, long jump, high jump n 3000 m... n i haf NO idea how to play discus n short put ok....oh man.....haha.. i'm really v. anxious for tmr cos i haf never competed infront of pple before...pls guys..pray for me that i won't humiliate myself infront of d whole sch k??

anyway was juz doing sm thinking...thinking back i think i'm quite brave.. i've only been here 4 months n i'm working..i DARE to work even though i don't noe anyone...
i joined volleyball in my sch even though i also didn't noe anyone..n now i'm gonna participate in tramping camp! hiking u could say...

eh pple..pls tag tag tag k???
don't forget me!


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