a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Monday, February 27, 2006

i am hungry...........

Hey hey...

todae's d last day of feb! how time seems to fly...
its autumn now...weather's starting to get REAL cold..n i'm still refusing to wear my blazer cos it looks stupid on me n it doesn't even keep me warm...so yeah..juz wearing my illegal blue windbreaker n still freezing.
day light savings start on 19th march! that means that nz is only 4 hrs ahead of S'PORE! yay!! thus can see u guys more often online!
Today this person frm victoria university came to my sch to promote d uni in wellington... it was quite interesting but i dunno whether i'll go to victoria...so far away...
oh yes...i'm gonna join this tramping (hiking) camp which is on 2nd april for 3 days! really looking forward to it even though d day is still quite far away. Heard that we're gonna kill possums too! eeks!!
N u noe wat??? i hafn't eaten at all for breakfast, lunch n dinner...for d WHOLE day cos of d famine fast...n i'm SUPER hungry.. u noe Christine's mum brought us some curry (it looks like d s'pore type) n it looked SO SO good...but i can't eat..SIGH!
incentive is that i can start eating at 4 pm tmr cos i started my famine at 12 am today...so 40 hrs more will be 4 pm tmr! arghh..i can't wait!!! been stuffing myself with just juice orange n mango flavour...drank like 3 cups one shot..hahaha...

Anyway i've added pictures to my blog to make my blog more interesting. Go take a look ok???
N pls pls tag! By tagging u'll let me noe that at least some1 is reading my blog...or else v. sian to blog when no one even bothers to leave a comment.

Take care! N i'm counting down d months till i get to go back to S'pore.


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