a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Thursday, March 02, 2006

quite a funny n HAPPY day

Hello pple!!

today was kinda fine...i got to talk to some white pple whom i would never haf gotten to talk to which was quite fun. Was feeling quite depressed when i was doing bio practical at first cos i didn't noe anything..wanted to jump out of d window n run away frm d class but obviously i didn't.
anyway today smth really weird happened. I found out to my horror that i forgot to bring my food for lunch n tea break plus my WATER which i prepared d night ago. i was SUPER mad...so i had to go que up at d cafeteria to get ripped off.
so i'm juz queing there n this girl frm my class (whom i usually don't talk to) taps me on d shoulder n says Hey..r u ryan's cousin?? n i'm like yeahh...(n yes i used to haf like 2 cousins in my present sch) n she says that she's his really good fren n stuff...n this other guy comes along (presumably her bf..i think) n says OMG..YOUR RYAN CHOY'S COUSIN??? n i'm like..er...YES... n he's like HOW CAN U BE HIS COUSIN??? U LOOK SO MUCH BETTER LOOKING THAN HIM! -_-' hahahah...n i'm like OKAY......hahahaha!! it was really hilarious....
anyway glad to be able to talk to that girl n get to know her better...tried introducing her to friendster..u noe pple in nz hafn't even heard wat friendster is!! how deprived r they man...

that was the funny part. The happy part was that i got an sms frm Shawn to say that d chinese AO results were released n i got a b4!!! ms chok confirmed that too!! n i was like YAYYY!!!!! so SO elated can...hahaha..i mean i REALLY worked v. v. hard for it n even though d grades don't count for me i noe that i've tried my best...u noe i thought i was gonna get a c5?! hahaha...
THANKYOU SO MUCH LORD!! God answers prayers!
oh yes..today was parnt teacher meeting..my dad went without me of course n he got such good comments (as usual) saying that i'm settling down SO well n stuff...well i'm TRYING to n i think i am..but there r those days where i juz wanna sit down n cry but i tell myself NO ur not gonna cry..crying doesn't help! eg. today i nearly cried during bio prac...well obviously no one knew cos i can hide it really well. :D

hmm..so that is my day today
oh yah..my cousin's wife juz gave birth to a baby boy today :D! cesarian way...but she's in critical condition cos her liver n kidneys aren't functioning as well as they should be. So anyone who reads this, please pray that she'll get better cos i'm v. v. concerned right now cos she n my cousin r v. close to me. Just haf to believe that God is in control of this situation. Thank God that d baby is breathing properly.

but i believe she's gonna get better n that i'm sure.

so yes..i'm signing off now to go to bed.
tmr is gonna be d end of CTs so jia you pple!!
to daph, sherm n liz i still think about u girls n miss u!! write to me soon k???

God bless n Have a nice day!!
miss u!


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