a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Monday, March 20, 2006


Hey pple

today is day light savings day...it means that d days r finally getting shorter n shorter...night comes quicker than ever.. now nz is only 4 hrs ahead of S'pore if ur wondering.
Anyway sports day was awful...3000 m was a killer..i felt like fainting even as i ran..mayb cos i'm too unfit now.

today was quite uneventful. However during multimedia class...we had get into groups n film each other n stuff...n i was making weird faces n d guys illegally printed out me sticking out my tongue n distributed MANY copies to like pple around...ARGH...must be that ryno again.. i knew it!! ahhh!!! so embarrassing can...
oh yes..i haf to do like this experiment for bio n stuff... one which requires me to construct my own experiment n collect snails!
so lois (my neighbour) n i (she helped me wif my experiment) went snail hunting in both our gardens! was really funny sneaking in d dark wif our torch lights n gathering unsuspecting snails! i managed to collect a total of 25 snails!! haha..muz collect more incase some die.

so that's my day for u guys...
erm..was juz doing some thinking...i was wondering why like hardly anyone bothers to email me let alone return my emails???
hardly any frens call me...email me...talk to me.. i mean i still miss u guys but not as much cos i've started to get used to life here. Some pple haf promised to send me stuff like pics after CTs.. but none haf come...its like empty promises...n its always me doing d calling..its not fair...
i noe that u guys r busy especially wif j2 n stuff..but can't u juz spare some time to chat wif me?? i feel so unimportant...


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