a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Friday, March 31, 2006

what a horrible mistake....i really regret it... n its all my fault

Hi again...

i shall start frm d VERY begining about d horrible mistake i made.

You see, at d VERY start, i heard that tramping was cancelled so that means no tramping camp n i was extremely disappointed.
Later last week, Mr Naidoo (my econs teacher) persuaded me to go to OPC (outdoor pursuits centre...smth like Outward Bound sch) since i'm new n hafn't been to OPC before. This was actually reserved for d Yr 12s but amanda n i were invited to go since we were new. Of course i was excited cos i heard its really fun there n d place is really scenic.
then a few days later he spoke to amanda n i saying that both of us can't go cos there were 6 extra pple wanting to go for OPC...problem was that OPC has grps of 10 n d sch pays for grps of 10 so that means we haf 4 less pple n d sch would then haf to pay for that 4 vacancies. So amanda n i plus 4 others couldn't go. Of course we tried v. hard to get 4 more pple but none were willing to go. I noe amanda was more disappointed than me...in fact she was like hopping mad...i was disappointed to..
This week, i heard that tramping was on again! so duhh i was happy. However, during this week, 2 korean guys decided not to go for OPC n they gave up their places for amanda n i...problem was that i didn't noe they gave up their places for ME! n i knew this other yr 12 girl really wanted to go OPC but she couldn't cos she was one of d 6 that couldn't go...i noe she wants to go MORE than me...so being d bloody BLOODY sickening kind hearted person i am i decided to give up my place for her since i was going for tramping camp. she was jumping for joy.

Next thing i knew was that TRAMPING WAS CANCELLED AGAIN! WHY?! cos there was no female teacher staff to go wif us...n the guys didn't tell me it was cancelled even though Mr Johnstone told them to tell me. So now i can't go OPC n i can't go for tramping. SHEESH! I SHOULD HAVE CHECKED WITH MR NAIDOO OR TELL AMANDA WHAT I PLAN TO DO!! instead of being a kind hearted fool.. damn.. should haf used my common sense.
i told mr naidoo n he was like..leena jean can go when she's yr 13 but u can't...bloody right.
oh well...disappointed i am..d only consolation is that i won't be missing a whole week of sch..
u noe wat..i've become wiser.. and i will learn not to be so foolish n to THINK before i act next time. Now i haf to pay..n i can't ask leena jean to give up her place for me cos i haf already given her my word that she'll go. sighhh...

anyway today my dad was real nice n he rented the movie Pride n Prejudice...damn nice lah..v.v. nice. Its one of those films which i had great expectations n wasn't disappointed (although d ending was quite flat)...v. enjoyable..n so romantic.
but u see...only these kinds of romance happens in movies...doesn't happen in real life which is quite a pity....sigh...
everyone wants that kinda romance...even i do...but its juz wishful thinking... or so i hope..

still feel quite blue n stuff.
anyway pple thanx for emailing me!!! at least for a few of u..but still i'm v. glad. Thankyou from d most bottom of my heart. Pls continue to email me ok? i still miss u guys....


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