a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Saturday, April 01, 2006

a whole day's worth of telling......

Hey pple..

today i went to work at nishiki restaurant...n at d end of my shift..d manager comes up n says that he thinks i'm not suited for d job cos i look so tired when everyone is full of energy...blahblahblah.. he couldn't even speak in proper english lor...n half d time i couldn't understand him..
i guess its also bcos of communication problems that they asked me to leave...i can't speak jap at all.. n i think another reason was cos they probably thought i didn't haf enough initative..i mean hello..i work hard ok...i volunteer to do stuff..its juz that at times i forget to clear d tables n clean up..n they haf to keep shouting at me..LAUREEN..CLEAR UP!! infront of d customers ok..so embarrassing.. n there r like 2 pple there i don't really like..so bossy n stuff...sigh...
u noe when i heard that i was sacked..i felt like a total failure man...i didn't say i was a failure..juz that i felt like one...
u noe i thought that they accepted me on a permanent basis cos after monitoring me for 3 wks they said i could come again...

but u noe wat..part of me was actually relieved..cos to tell u d truth i dread work..a hundred times more than i dread school..which is so NOT good.. at least now i can look forward to sats n sundays n i can haf more free time to play n study. I juz hope that i won't be sacked again when i work nxt time.

anyway so i went home...began cleaning d house...vacuuming and listening to christian hip hop music on d radio (was blasting it cos i couldn't hear wif d vacuum on)
my parnts were out cos they were invited for dinner wif their frens..n there were all adults..so i didn't go.
My mum didn't make any dinner for me..so all i had was left over bits of ham to make a pathetic sandwich...

n i was like oh man..
i was imaginating that one of my mum's frens would ring d doorbell n bring me some food..heh.. that would be so good right..
and d weirdest thing was that once i finished vacuuming i heard d door bell ring..i was quite intrigued cos i thought it was probably pple knocking door to door promoting their wateva stuff...but low and behold...my fren's mum n dad was on d front door asking whether my parnts were here..but i told them they were out n they said they brought a whole pot of curry (MY FAV!) n a huge loaf of bread...whoa..i was like OMG...YAY!!

not only that...they invited me to their house to haf dinner...curry too! so i accepted...i was so happy ok.
n the curry was so good..she made it herself frm scratch..n i watched tv wif d kids (who r my frens)...she's malaysian by d way..so i felt really comfortable.

which juz goes to show that God really provides... muz really thank God..heh.. even He bothers with d littlest detail of our lives including mine..
Thanks God...
well.. God decides to take some away (my job)..maybe it was for my own good...n he gives some back in return..( d curry)..heh..

anyway hope u guys r doing fine.
Thanks so much for those who wrote me emails!
for those who said they will be updating me..u promised ok! so better write!!
take care...!


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