a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Monday, May 08, 2006


Hey everyone!

sorry for not updating for so long..
u see nothing of any interest as happened...so u can see my life is pretty mundane.

i'm pretty pissed right now.. can't seem to sign into msn on my other com for like nearly a week! CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY?!
i changed my internet protocol address cos i thought it might help..den i uninstalled msn n installed it again..but STILL i can't sign in..
doesn't help that i need msn to talk to u guys back in s'pore..arghhh..

anyway life in sch is pretty much d same..started sch on 1st may...n discovered that d exams r end of this month which is like 3 wks away!!
i don't noe why i don't feel d urge to study...its been like that ever since i've come here..

n my eczema on my face isn't getting any better...pls pple PLEASE pray for me...its really quite bad on my face n its not at all funny... i need all d prayer i can get.

oh yah..my sch's ball/prom is gonna be in august..do u think i should go? my mum says i should..but i don't see d point in getting all dressed up when i don't really noe my sch mates well...

winter's coming nxt month..weather is turning really chilly.. n i've discovereed that i can't take d shortcurt anymore bcos d grass is too wet n muddy..kept getting mud on my sandals n legs..so i haf to take d long way which is SO mahfan!!
i should stop complaining right?

n i haf YET to find out God's purpose for me here...cos right now i don't haf a purpose here so i'm getting quite restless...

anyway hope u guys r alright...
take care!


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