what i have been doing...
Hello everyone!more than a week of hols haf passed by...sch's gonna start again soon this mon. how time flies..finally went to d city (my 1st time!) wif Christine, Tracy n Theresa...did lots of window shopping and karaoke.. well it was my 1st time karaoking..but i tell u it sucked..cos they were all singing chinese songs and i didn't noe like 99% of d songs... so yeah..that was sad..anyway we took d ferry both ways going to d city... it was a new experience for me riding on d local ferry.last sun after church my parnts n i went to this kiwi concert for new migrants called Kiwi Ora... i means welcome...anyway its this concert to intro new migrants to life in nz... some maoris performed d Haka (some traditional dance). There was singing, dancing, speeches...but in d midst of it i fell aslp cos it was so boring..haha..anyway a few days ago i took my Meningistis Jab... cos u see i had to take my Meningistis jab to immunise me frm meningistis cos its really rampant here.. n when i went there i asked whether d injection was gonna be painful.. n d nurse said oh yes it is..d needle is VERY thick...n i was like geeze man..thanx for d 'encouragement'...but when i took it it wasn't even painful..but now my arm is hurting like hell cos that's d side effect.. n everytime pple keep forgetting that my left arm is painful n keep poking or squeezing, boxing my arm..grr....found out that i haf to take another 2 jabs...n d side effect is fever..pure joy.today christine n i went window shopping since She's The MAn tickets were all sold out...so we caught d nxt one at 8.40 pm..late night movie..i tell u..She's The Man is so nice lah...heh..really worth my money.after that we had to hurry cos my dad was picking us up...n so i ran wif my flat slippers down d pavement in d cool breeze...it was really refreshing..n it juz made me realise how much i misssed running and how much of a pig i am staying at home missing all that scenery...so tmr i'm gonna run at d near by park..heh.. u noe i gained like 1.25 kg!!! gosh... i think its cos i never exercise.anyway haf to tell myself to look past pple's flaws cos i haf flaws myself n to stay positive. hope u guys r studying hard n playing hard too!i miss u pple.. hope u r fine!
Hey pple!!3 days of holiday have passed...n i hafn't done any studying.My fren Kahwen has been staying wif us since fri cos her parnts went to Gisborne for fishing!Its been real fun hafing her at our home...yesterday i went wif her, her kiwi fren n some indian guy to watch ice age 2. its weird to noe that i watched a movie wif pple i've never seen or known before..well except for kahwen...it was quite awkward...hehh.. but kahwen was real nice to make me feel comfortable! thanx kahwen!ice age 2 was really nice...v. funny..for those who hafn't seen it u HAVE to see it..its better than ice age 1 in terms of humour but ice age 1 had a better plot..but still.. everyone was laughing all d way..heh..today we watched wat a girl wants dvd on our plasma tv!! heh..was real nice.. this is like my 2nd time watching.n afterthat we drove to her house cos she forgot to activate her alarm system which made her v. alarmed...heh..and then dad dropped us off at d park near my home n we rollerbladed! its been a long while since i've rollerbladed..n i was freaking out as i went down d slopes..heh... coming back i was going down this slope SO fast near my home...luckily my dad caught me or else i think i would haf fallen really badly...phew..gonna haf to do my bio internal project...when am i gonna do it..gosh..i think tmr must start doing n start studying econs!!!ahhh!!anyway to everyone HAPPY EASTER!!!!May God bless u!!!n pls pls email!!oh yah..some pictures to update u about myself!!! sorry for uploading pics so late! enjoy!!
My beautiful house!

My room!!
Me standing on our deck in our garden!
Something taken from my mg graduation book....reflects how i feel...Nostalgia: It comes from the words nostos and algos; of returning + pain.Nostalgia is the feeling of having both the desire to return, and feeling the pain about the return being unreachable.Nostalgia is the path upon which you tread, sensing that life around you is somehow changing,not quite knowing how yet knkowing, not quite all too well, that you will return to find things different, life having worn itself around the gap you left, a life you almost wish to return to yet you painfully know you cannot.You realise, during those beautiful moments you wish to cling on to, that reality is no longer what it was when it was; it cannot be reconstructed, it cannot exist outside of the precise mement it took place. You realise life is an unending series of unique waves crashing upon the shore, one after another; swash and backwash advancing and receding; here and there leaving traces of washes before, inherently and inexplicably mixed together yet never quite the same as the ones that preceded it.Too soon, all too soon.... time is flying by....and all I can do is watch the world spinning past,watching it and rememberingThat Life is Beautiful........
HAPPY EASTER HOLIDAYS!!! Term 1 has ended!
Hello everyone again!Today was the last day of sch...cos its EASTER HOLIDAYS!!tmr will be good friday and on sunday will be easter!We haf a 2 week break before we start term 2... n i'm gonna use that week to study..cos i tell u..i've slacked d whole of term 1..n when i mean slack..i really slack..its bad..anyway d past 2 days we've been getting easter eggs from our teachers! I think i've eaten like a total of 10 eggs d past few days...heh..n my mum bought me this white choc easter bunny..so pretty...n an easter bunny lolli..today for sch we had an extra long assembly to celebrate easter.then we had our smth like 'progress report' for the term..n they haf like behaviour, achievement (academic), effort and hwk...then they grade u from 1 to 4, 1 being d best. Almost half of everything were 1s...but i had a 3 in multimedia for behaviour..HAHA.. 3=needs improvement...heh...i guess i haf to work really hard during d hols since i only had an achieved for calculus test..which was extremely disappointing.the past week has been rather shitty.. full of anger, disappointment, resentment..my mind was pretty much messed up and messed WITH the past few days...wouldn't go into any detail at all.. n it hasn't helped my eczema on my face at all (for those who don't noe.. i've had quite a bad dose of eczema aka rashes on my face since i've come to nz..i think its d climate or smth)..my mum was telling me whenever i get angry, stressed or frustrated my eczema becomes worse..like it bcomes redder..n i think its kinda true..i guess i haf to take things ez..n when i say take things easy i mean not haf angry thoughts inside my head.so yes..i'm glad that sch is FINALLY over...glad that i don't haf to see SOME people until 2 wks r over...bleh..people pls pray for me ok?i gtg watch a movie THE ISLAND that i rented frm video ezy...gotta bring it back tmr!see u pple!i miss u guys!
i'm so glad monday is coming...but feeling apprehensive at d same time
Hey everyone!last week was horrible...HORRIBLE i tell u..theresa, christine, amanda n d rest of d yr 12s went for OPC..so they weren't here at sch..to top that off d rest of my clique..antony and tracy decided to disappear frm d face of d earth leaving me with jason, andrew, micheal ...which really isn't a great comfort...so i was totally alone...ate lunch alone..blahblahblah..den some yr 13s invited me to come along wif them n go to d youth lounge...n when i say yr 13s i mean d south africans, indians n kiwis..Suhani n Mehak (2 indian girls) were extremely nice..they invited me to eat wif them... Chloe n Katie were real nice too..ate wif them too.. den they invited me to d youth lounge wif ALL d yr 13s..but u see i don't talk to ALL d yr 13s n they haf known each other for yrs...felt that i was invading private territory..wouldn't haf been right..cos i mean i don't talk to all d yr13s (esp some of d guys) n i suddenly go join their clique..it would haf been disrespectful so i decided not to go into d youth lounge.. i would haf been SO extra...if u noe wat i mean.anyway tmr is CALCULUS INTERNALSS!!!! its actually an exam..on trig...ahh!!! i HAVE to at least get merit...actually i'm secretly aiming for excellence..but i think i'll juz stick to merit in case i get disappointed.. u noe NCEA xams r really dumb...they are not like cambridge xams where u can get marks for workings (esp maths)...one mark here n there even though ur answer is wrong. n its either NOT achieved (fail), achieved, merit and excellence..absolutely NO marks given at all..man..wat were d nz government thinking?! anyway heard frm christine that OPC was horrible n really tough..guess i didn't really miss much then...hehh...hmm...tmr is gonna be a really interesting day when everyone comes back..i'm looking forward to tmr..n yet not..cos of calculus internal...really hope i do well..n guess wat..i still hafn't done my report for bio internal which is due thurs...HOW?!?! i'm such a last min person..n i'm such a slacker... hurray for that...-_-'anyway pple..PLEASE pray for me that i'll do well for calculus internal! its my FIRST xam ever in this yr..which really counts!! miss everyone of u!!i'm honestly trying hard to keep in contact wif u guys!i'll be smsing u T9 pple!! (some of u might haf gotten smses frm me all d way frm nz!)...n i'm really glad to haf caught up wif some of u on d phone!thanx to those who r still emailing me!ur emails r VERY precious to me..so keep emailing k??i WILL always respond.u take care my frens!!
a whole day's worth of telling......
Hey pple..today i went to work at nishiki restaurant...n at d end of my shift..d manager comes up n says that he thinks i'm not suited for d job cos i look so tired when everyone is full of energy...blahblahblah.. he couldn't even speak in proper english lor...n half d time i couldn't understand him..i guess its also bcos of communication problems that they asked me to leave...i can't speak jap at all.. n i think another reason was cos they probably thought i didn't haf enough initative..i mean hello..i work hard ok...i volunteer to do stuff..its juz that at times i forget to clear d tables n clean up..n they haf to keep shouting at me..LAUREEN..CLEAR UP!! infront of d customers ok..so embarrassing.. n there r like 2 pple there i don't really like..so bossy n stuff...sigh...u noe when i heard that i was sacked..i felt like a total failure man...i didn't say i was a failure..juz that i felt like one...u noe i thought that they accepted me on a permanent basis cos after monitoring me for 3 wks they said i could come again...but u noe wat..part of me was actually relieved..cos to tell u d truth i dread work..a hundred times more than i dread school..which is so NOT good.. at least now i can look forward to sats n sundays n i can haf more free time to play n study. I juz hope that i won't be sacked again when i work nxt time.anyway so i went home...began cleaning d house...vacuuming and listening to christian hip hop music on d radio (was blasting it cos i couldn't hear wif d vacuum on)my parnts were out cos they were invited for dinner wif their frens..n there were all adults..so i didn't go.
My mum didn't make any dinner for me..so all i had was left over bits of ham to make a pathetic sandwich...n i was like oh man.. i was imaginating that one of my mum's frens would ring d doorbell n bring me some food..heh.. that would be so good right..and d weirdest thing was that once i finished vacuuming i heard d door bell ring..i was quite intrigued cos i thought it was probably pple knocking door to door promoting their wateva stuff...but low and behold...my fren's mum n dad was on d front door asking whether my parnts were here..but i told them they were out n they said they brought a whole pot of curry (MY FAV!) n a huge loaf of bread...whoa..i was like OMG...YAY!! not only that...they invited me to their house to haf dinner...curry too! so i accepted...i was so happy ok.n the curry was so good..she made it herself frm scratch..n i watched tv wif d kids (who r my frens)...she's malaysian by d way..so i felt really comfortable.which juz goes to show that God really provides... muz really thank God..heh.. even He bothers with d littlest detail of our lives including mine..Thanks God...well.. God decides to take some away (my job)..maybe it was for my own good...n he gives some back in return..( d curry)..heh..anyway hope u guys r doing fine.Thanks so much for those who wrote me emails!for those who said they will be updating me..u promised ok! so better write!!take care...!