a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Monday, February 27, 2006

i am hungry...........

Hey hey...

todae's d last day of feb! how time seems to fly...
its autumn now...weather's starting to get REAL cold..n i'm still refusing to wear my blazer cos it looks stupid on me n it doesn't even keep me warm...so yeah..juz wearing my illegal blue windbreaker n still freezing.
day light savings start on 19th march! that means that nz is only 4 hrs ahead of S'PORE! yay!! thus can see u guys more often online!
Today this person frm victoria university came to my sch to promote d uni in wellington... it was quite interesting but i dunno whether i'll go to victoria...so far away...
oh yes...i'm gonna join this tramping (hiking) camp which is on 2nd april for 3 days! really looking forward to it even though d day is still quite far away. Heard that we're gonna kill possums too! eeks!!
N u noe wat??? i hafn't eaten at all for breakfast, lunch n dinner...for d WHOLE day cos of d famine fast...n i'm SUPER hungry.. u noe Christine's mum brought us some curry (it looks like d s'pore type) n it looked SO SO good...but i can't eat..SIGH!
incentive is that i can start eating at 4 pm tmr cos i started my famine at 12 am today...so 40 hrs more will be 4 pm tmr! arghh..i can't wait!!! been stuffing myself with just juice orange n mango flavour...drank like 3 cups one shot..hahaha...

Anyway i've added pictures to my blog to make my blog more interesting. Go take a look ok???
N pls pls tag! By tagging u'll let me noe that at least some1 is reading my blog...or else v. sian to blog when no one even bothers to leave a comment.

Take care! N i'm counting down d months till i get to go back to S'pore.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

I've got so many things to tell u!!

Hellooo pple!!

for once i'm starting to feel like my normal self...quite happy n stuff now so decided to blog. Today went quite well. Went to church n stuff n collected lots of money for World Vision!
Just to let u guys know that my sch is making each of us collect funds for World Vision...n this yr's theme is Child Labour. SO yeah..i haf this like booklet thingy where u haf to go on either a famine fast or techno fast (do w/o ur com, tv, hp etc.) n get pple to donate money to support u!
Well so far i've collected like 50 bucks frm my church frens n pple! so i'm quite happy about that... n guess wat..i'm gonna go on a 40 hr famine fast on tues n weds...means go w/o food n only drink water n juice. i THINK i can manage that..even though i LOVE food..
actually when i first heard of d fast in order to support all those poor children i was like...that is so stupid..i mean wat's d POINT of going on a hunger strike..i mean its not gonna HELP them..juz donate $$$ n be done wif it..save urself d pain. Then someone explained to me that by doing this challenge u actually FEEL how its like to be poor n stuff..so that made lots of sense to me so yes..i'm gonna do it. Food fast is better than techno fast i mean if u want pple to sponser u...techno fast is so ez peasy n doesn't mean anything to me so yeah..
Anyway today i went to Nishiki Japanese Restaurant wif my parnts to eat lunch. N d set meals r like 10 bucks each for like ALOT for lunch..so it was quite worth it.. n one of d waitresses was someone i knew frm d CNY dinner last month. So i asked her how much she was getting..n she said 10 bucks per hr. i was like WOW...n u noe i'm desperately trying to get a job to see how its like working n to get some disposable income for MEESELF! :D but i guess if i start out i'll only get 6 bucks an hr but if i work hard i'll get more! so guess wat i did...i tried to apply for a job there cos d restaurant is like quite near my place. They asked me to come back this coming Sat 3 pm wif my CV (resume)..so yeah..i HOPE they hire me... n i hope i dun go dropping food n dishes as i serve or get d orders wrong...haha..but i REALLY hope i get d job...
Why do i want to work there?
firstly d food is quite good, d pay too..
d staff looks happy n contented.
it is a small restaurant wif limited tables so its easier to serve.
n d uniform is juz a red tshirt n jeans...not like formal n stuff..doesn't make me look like an idiot.
n lastly flexible hrs..frm 11.30 am to 2.30 pm, n 6-10 pm daily.
so pple PLEASE pray that i'll get d job if its God willing k??? thanx..
oh yes..anyone who knows me would haf known that my dream is to become an interior designer..but now i've put my dream on hold cos there's not many job opportunities in s'pore or nz rather..
but anyway my dad signed me up for this 6 week Crash course for interior designing at d nearby community club. Min age muz be 16...so i guess most pple would be oldies..or adults n i'll like be like d only teenager there..haha..but yeah..i'm looking forward to it...they'll teach us how to decorate rooms, furniture n stuff..n its only like 35 bucks for 6 2hr sessions every wed 7-9pm. it starts this wed so i'm quite excited. hopefully i can get to know more pple n make more frens...but i muzn't haf d same expectations as in S'pore.
Well..d prefects r FINALLY coming back tmr for lessons..they didn't come to sch for 3 days cos of leadership training camp..i was quite happy but then it was v. lonely so yeah...
don't know whether to be rejoicing or dreading sch since they're coming back.
Wish me all d best for sch tmr.
i'll be praying for ur CTs this week!!
Do well guys...do ur best! i KNOW u guys can do it!!
oh yah..pls pray that i'll find my clear folder...its a mystery to how i lost it. N pray for my internal exam for bio which is nxt nxt week.

Miss u guys!! Pls tag more often n email me k???
God bless!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

i lost my folder containing my timetable n vital stuff!!! arghh!!!!

Hello peeps...

i am SO irritated right now..i like lost my clear file folder wif my timetable and exam dates containing VITAL info...gosh! u noe i hate it when i lose stuff...i don't think i dropped it along d way while walking to sch..maybe i left it on d benches when i went to d toilet..but i SO remember gathering up all my stuff..then again..memory can fail a person... SIGH! i discovered that it got lost like many hrs after i came home.. sigh..u noe i'm v. severely handicapped w/o my timetable..
anyway i prayed to God that i'll find it so i haf to believe...hopefully its still in sch..

so going on wif my day...
todae's econs class wasn't that bad even though it was double period...d pple in there looked less intimidating so yeah..maybe i'm starting to get use to d atmosphere..
oh yes..u noe i don't noe why everyone is obsessed wif my smelly belly keychain on my red bag...(remember i haf this cute keychain which almost half of T9 pple haf smelt it..even WITHOUT my knowledge..so that's quite gross). Raino keeps stealing it n waving it in my face n hair which is quite irritating n funny at d same time. don't know y he's so obsessed over it..beats me..
Todae in multimedia class there was an on going chain reaction starting frm d koreans who purposely switched off d coms of d person nxt to them...den b4 i knew it my com got switched off...den i switched sm1 else's com off too...it was quite funny...d whole class was in an uproar!
i mean we hardly ever do stuff since our teacher is away for like 2 days so far n we got that funny indian teacher who can't control d class...so yeah...i keep getting my com switched off by d guys around me (note: multimedia class consists of ALL guys except 5 girls including me)... arghh..y do i always get picked on... maybe cos i'm so bulliable..but i REFUSE to accept that!
anyway todae pple were asking me whether i was ok cos i looked as if i cried...but obviously i did NOT...cos d top of my eyes r red cos of eczema (it used to be worse..but now its ALOT better thanks to God) n of my eyebags below my eyes which haf gone worse since i've come here...n sometimes when i think about home i get quite sad thus my stony n set expression which comes across as depression... but its not surprising cos some pple in cj used to ask me why i looked so sad...i shouldn't look sad cos i don't haf a sad life right? i mean if u compare wif alot of pple..

OK..enough about me! pple tell me how u've done in ur common tests n how ur coping ok???
don't forget me! n leave me a msg on d tag board!!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Hello everyone! i SO miss u guys.


today i went to sch, happy... but amanda d new s'porean girl was looking so gloomy cos i think she misses home n stuff...which affected my mood, made me think of home n as a result made me sad.
today i thought about all my class pple in cj n my other frens back in s'pore again! dunno y...hahaha..they seem to fill up almost every memory space in my head.
Anyway there r like 2 whites besides asians who ACTUALLY REALLY talk to me, one is called Amy n d other is Raino (er..don't really noe how to spell his name)...who lives like 2 roads across me. Both r South Africans..not d blacks.. d whites.. Amy takes bio, calculus n english wif me n Raino is in d same multimedia class as me.
yeah..so in multimedia class our teacher wasn't there..so we got this weird indian teacher who spoke funny..n i SO wanted to laugh lah..but apparently no one gets d joke..well..except pple back in s'pore esp lerhern! ahhaha!
n silly raino kept switching off my com as i tried to do my work n kept stealing my keychain...haha..really whacko that guy...
i actually learnt how to make d images of my com screen turn upside down..haha..
n that indian guy was juz going around trying to help everyone n everyone was juz pretending to listen to him but actually they were clicking on other stuff...so it was REAL funny...i mean i cracked up...den i juz shut up cos apparently no one thought it was funny..
later went back for lunch n saw poor amanda crying cos she misses home so much...sigh... its really difficult when one doesn't haf one's parnts wif them..but at least she has me n d rest of d asians..although its not d same.

anyway later that night i went to watch d video my dad's fren took of us departing frm changi airport to nz. i tell u so many pple were there...n as i was watching d video i really felt that i was in there...n i was wondering to myself how come i didn't cry when i left? weird..
n while i was watching i was like..hey! that's william! yijie! ian! james! marianne! joette! lerhern! bryan! shawn! vanessa! sherm! lizz! my SA frens! ahhhh... whoa..i really really miss them man.. was crying when i watched d video..sigh.. really bad.
anyway shouldn't be sad anymore right? it seems that since coming to sch d homesickness got worse...
sorry to those who haf to watch me being sad now...

i hope u guys back in s'pore remember me...
eh..all d best for d Common tests!! work hard! i miss u pple!!

shall try to update my blog more often...pls tag too k??
God bless!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Continuation of my 'not so exciting' sch life in nz

Hey guys..
really so sorry that i only updated for so long..haf been really bz with sch work cos they give so much hwk!!! n i'm practically studying everyday...i think i study more than in S'pore lah..but d work is definitely easier.

Well..juz to tell u that i still really miss u guys even though some of u might not miss me anymore since its been nearly 3 months since i've come here.

Anyway everyday i walk a total of 40 mins to n frm sch...its SO tiring ok..my feet literally ache after that..
n guess wat??? A few days ago this new comer came to my class n she's a S'POREAN!!!! i was like HEY..R U NEW??? so typical of me when i was in cj... n i was SO SO SO elated that there was another s'porean...now there's 2 of us in yr 13, n 1 in yr 12..we hang out together.. n she came wif her mum n i discovered that her mum's going back to s'pore so she's gonna be all alone..n her mum was crying in front of me a STRANGER when she told me..whoa..i felt so sad man..

oh yes.. Valentine's day was a boring event. Its not like mg or cj which sells flowers n all kinds of v day stuff...n i didn't get anything naturally so yeah... worse part was that both of my s'porean frens cried on that day..cos one missed her frens n family n d other missed her bf...(i can't relate to that part though..) n i was juz comforting them..juz seemed to make me think about home n miss everyone again.. so yeah..i was v. sad.. d rest of d day was spent in depression staring out into d courtyard looking at flowers n grass which probably wasn't a good idea since i think d angmohs may haf thought i looked anti social cos i had this stony expression on my face.

well i tell u its REAL hard to make angmoh frens..i mean i've talked to d girls n they r quite decent..but its usually those hi n bye stuff..afterthat for d whole day we juz don't talk anymore..n for d guys its worse..u noe i'm SO totally freaked out by d head boy..(i forgot to tell u that d selection of headboy n headgirl was on mon).. i mean he's SO tall n serious..n he's 17 but looks like a 25...so intimidating..so yes i avoid him..
i mean i REALLY wanna make frens wif ALL of them but its so hard cos they haf cliques already..so i juz hang out wif d asians who speak english...
i think there r 2 angmoh guys who i actually speak to.. but not too often..so its quite sad..
they could be more accepting right??? u noe i used to be all outgoing last time in s'pore...but now i'm so quiet u won't believe it..but i talk more than d rest of d asians to d angmohs.. its like i always haf to start a conversation wif d whites.. y can't they juz make it ezier for me?? I CAN SPEAK FLUENT ENGLISH U KNOW.. really wanna scream that fact into their brains.. oh well..
seriously i so want to get to know them but its so hard since i haf to do all d talking mostly (n i don't know wat to talk about..so i make small talk) n also cos i'm v. shy n haf no courage to get to know some pple even though i want to (talking to d girls isn't d problem). Sm times i think i'm quite anti-social n rude cos i'm too scared to acknowledge like some pple in my class so i juz avoid eye contact wif them..so not me..
u noe since i'm here..i suddenly realised how valuable n treasured my s'porean frens r to me now...n how i appreciate them so much.. u noe alot of pple say that i'm so lucky to come here well d grass is always greener on d other side i must say..
so pple..don't take ur frens for granted cos u never noe wat might happen..
Anyway i've decided to join volleyball.. i'm new to d game so today was my 1st practice wif d team..actually i joined it to make new frens n be more active n stuff. oh yes... today i decided that i should acknowledge pple i haf ignored due to my shyness so during volleyball where i watched how they played d match (since i'm new)..i saw d headboy watching too..so i was like its kinda rude to juz ignore him since i'm in his econs class so i smiled at him for courtesey..i mean it would be SO utterly rude if i juz ignored him or anyone i knew for that matter... so yeah..but once i said hello to one of my schmates cos i saw him in Bunnings ware house..n i thought since i knew him it would be polite to say hi but instead he juz gave me this really weird look like..y r u trying to say hi for...
WAHLAU..i can juz tear my hair out of my head.

Oh yes..today was Muffti day..where we could wear anything we wanted.. everytime d sch raises money for d less fortunate we haf muffti day but we each haf to contribute 1 dollar...so yeah..it was kinda nice not to haf to wear uniform again.

Sigh!! sorry pple this is a long entry since i've not blogged for such a long time. I really hope that u can leave more comments for me cos i need to be encouraged...oh yes.. for those in S'pore u can subscribe free to ZONE 1511, d cheapest phone operater..like 4 cents a min..den u guys can call me!!! especially for my gd frens n frens in cj!! ex classmates too!! PLEASE call me when ur free ok???i need to talk to u guys to preserve my sanity...seriously..i practically begging u. Anyway to keep in constant contact my home no. is +64 (country code..well u don't haf to put it as d ZONE 1511 will replace it) 9 (area code) 5346678.

yeahh..miss u guys!!

one more one less.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

School has FINALLY started...

Hey hey...
1st day of sch was 2 days ago on wed. It was really really uneventful..i mean i expected more u noe..n i only made 1 fren..ONE fren only..some korean girl.. at that time i was too scared n shy to make frens wif d angmohs..
Well..my class only has 10 pple. there r 4 asians including me but i'm d only S'porean...there r 2 koreans n 1 hongkey guy...yeah..

Today we were introduced to our new class..no lessons so it was REALLY dull..instead we were forced to re-decorate d noticeboards..
We ended sch early. But i really felt so defeated..i mean i used to make frens so easily in S'pore but here...its SO hard..i mean in cj it wasn't hard cos everyone was new to d environment but now..hmm.. at that time i juz hoped that i wouldn't juz haf 1 fren d whole yr around..that would be simply awful.

Anyway now comes the happy part.
The next day which was a thursday was an off day for us yr 13s cos d yr 12s were hafing a leadership training day camp. Ours was only on fri...
So when fri (which is today) came we were allowed to go to sch (yr 13s) in our muffti (its a term they use for normal clothes). I walked to sch thru this park near my house..it took me about 20 mins..n its quite deserted so yeah..not nice at all..

We had Leadership training camp as we r d seniors of d sch.. at first i felt really out of place n i REALLY felt like crying i tell u...arghh..but then it got better...cos my South African fren (whom i got to know way before sch started) introed me to all her frens...n we were made to form groups to do all sorts of challenges. there were 3 grps by d way. So we were given all sorts of word puzzles n stuff...n i am proud to say that i helped solve a few.. =D
By d end of d day i had made some frens..well..d girls were v. nice but d guys were weird...n quite cold..but oh well..almost all guys r like that when u first know them..so yeah.. although there were a few crazy pple there.
Anyway we also got to hear pastors share their testimony n about Christ n how we should be doing smth about our lives n live for Him. We were made to pen down all our goals we wanted to see for this yr n seal it in an envelope. In 6 months time we would open it up n see whether we haf fulfilled them.

Well..d day was quite good so far..SO MUCH better than d 1st day of sch.. guess wat..i found out that there r only like 25 pple in MY whole level...cos last yr alot of pple left d college. There r 2 northern indians, lots of South africans, 5 asians in d whole level n not forgetting d kiwis.
I was suppose to walk home frm sch..but u see d path's so confusing that i wasn't v. confident. So one of my frens i made offered to bring me back home. U noe she has her full license already k! hahaha...i think i will start learning my highway code first..that's d first step i'll take.
Anyway..this coming mon is Waitangi day (public holiday) so sch starts on tues...well d FULL BLOWN lessons start on tues...its gonna be WORK WORK WORK frm tues onwards..better start enjoying myself frm now till mon! haha..

oh yah..u noe there's so many weeds n wild grass growing in d front lawn of my house that its driving me nuts..seriously..i think i haf to go borrow a lawn mower n mow all d sickening weeds out..or use weed killer! MUAHAHAHA! *DIE YOU FILTHY WEEDS!! DIEEEE!!*

PS: thanx so much for all ur encouragement on my 1st day of sch.. still missing all of u!! Take care!