a glimpse of the world through MY eyes

Friday, March 31, 2006

what a horrible mistake....i really regret it... n its all my fault

Hi again...

i shall start frm d VERY begining about d horrible mistake i made.

You see, at d VERY start, i heard that tramping was cancelled so that means no tramping camp n i was extremely disappointed.
Later last week, Mr Naidoo (my econs teacher) persuaded me to go to OPC (outdoor pursuits centre...smth like Outward Bound sch) since i'm new n hafn't been to OPC before. This was actually reserved for d Yr 12s but amanda n i were invited to go since we were new. Of course i was excited cos i heard its really fun there n d place is really scenic.
then a few days later he spoke to amanda n i saying that both of us can't go cos there were 6 extra pple wanting to go for OPC...problem was that OPC has grps of 10 n d sch pays for grps of 10 so that means we haf 4 less pple n d sch would then haf to pay for that 4 vacancies. So amanda n i plus 4 others couldn't go. Of course we tried v. hard to get 4 more pple but none were willing to go. I noe amanda was more disappointed than me...in fact she was like hopping mad...i was disappointed to..
This week, i heard that tramping was on again! so duhh i was happy. However, during this week, 2 korean guys decided not to go for OPC n they gave up their places for amanda n i...problem was that i didn't noe they gave up their places for ME! n i knew this other yr 12 girl really wanted to go OPC but she couldn't cos she was one of d 6 that couldn't go...i noe she wants to go MORE than me...so being d bloody BLOODY sickening kind hearted person i am i decided to give up my place for her since i was going for tramping camp. she was jumping for joy.

Next thing i knew was that TRAMPING WAS CANCELLED AGAIN! WHY?! cos there was no female teacher staff to go wif us...n the guys didn't tell me it was cancelled even though Mr Johnstone told them to tell me. So now i can't go OPC n i can't go for tramping. SHEESH! I SHOULD HAVE CHECKED WITH MR NAIDOO OR TELL AMANDA WHAT I PLAN TO DO!! instead of being a kind hearted fool.. damn.. should haf used my common sense.
i told mr naidoo n he was like..leena jean can go when she's yr 13 but u can't...bloody right.
oh well...disappointed i am..d only consolation is that i won't be missing a whole week of sch..
u noe wat..i've become wiser.. and i will learn not to be so foolish n to THINK before i act next time. Now i haf to pay..n i can't ask leena jean to give up her place for me cos i haf already given her my word that she'll go. sighhh...

anyway today my dad was real nice n he rented the movie Pride n Prejudice...damn nice lah..v.v. nice. Its one of those films which i had great expectations n wasn't disappointed (although d ending was quite flat)...v. enjoyable..n so romantic.
but u see...only these kinds of romance happens in movies...doesn't happen in real life which is quite a pity....sigh...
everyone wants that kinda romance...even i do...but its juz wishful thinking... or so i hope..

still feel quite blue n stuff.
anyway pple thanx for emailing me!!! at least for a few of u..but still i'm v. glad. Thankyou from d most bottom of my heart. Pls continue to email me ok? i still miss u guys....

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

hello again! i'm so lazy to update....

Hello pple!

sorry for not updating for quite some time...u see i've been v. lazy AND busy too!
busy with my bio internal investigation where i haf to construct my own experiment frm scratch! its gonna count for my NCEA..
been snail hunting for d past 2 weeks...
i'm trying to prove how light intensity affects snails...n my hypothesis is that snails will go to d darkest chamber as they do not like light.
gonna conduct the experiment tmr man..its d REAL thing..
muz pray that d snails will be obedient enough to move to d darkest chamber...sheesh..
whole day tmr will be juz bio..frm 8.30 to 4.30pm..the good thing is that we get to wear outside clothes..
anyway pls pls pls pray for me that my investigation will go well.
cos today i conducted a trial experiment n d snails didn't move at all!! i was like STRESSING out...until one of my classmates was like don't stress! i think no one has ever said that to me since i've left s'pore...

hope everything's fine wif u guys...
its getting late so yeah..i'll juz hop into bed.

Monday, March 20, 2006


Hey pple

today is day light savings day...it means that d days r finally getting shorter n shorter...night comes quicker than ever.. now nz is only 4 hrs ahead of S'pore if ur wondering.
Anyway sports day was awful...3000 m was a killer..i felt like fainting even as i ran..mayb cos i'm too unfit now.

today was quite uneventful. However during multimedia class...we had get into groups n film each other n stuff...n i was making weird faces n d guys illegally printed out me sticking out my tongue n distributed MANY copies to like pple around...ARGH...must be that ryno again.. i knew it!! ahhh!!! so embarrassing can...
oh yes..i haf to do like this experiment for bio n stuff... one which requires me to construct my own experiment n collect snails!
so lois (my neighbour) n i (she helped me wif my experiment) went snail hunting in both our gardens! was really funny sneaking in d dark wif our torch lights n gathering unsuspecting snails! i managed to collect a total of 25 snails!! haha..muz collect more incase some die.

so that's my day for u guys...
erm..was juz doing some thinking...i was wondering why like hardly anyone bothers to email me let alone return my emails???
hardly any frens call me...email me...talk to me.. i mean i still miss u guys but not as much cos i've started to get used to life here. Some pple haf promised to send me stuff like pics after CTs.. but none haf come...its like empty promises...n its always me doing d calling..its not fair...
i noe that u guys r busy especially wif j2 n stuff..but can't u juz spare some time to chat wif me?? i feel so unimportant...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

blogging about today n d future events!


okay...so today was bio test...it went SO bad ok!!
like i studied so hard for it but i couldn't remember most things when i did d test...plus i was so tired cos of sleeping at 1am d past few days. To make matters worse d test wasn't exactly easy..n it was like 7 pages long n i had to answer them in 25 mins so naturally i didn't finish..u noe its v. rarely that i don't finish tests..so it was quite a blow to me.

Also discovered that in NCEA exams if u get like some parts of d answer right but don't get d FULL thing correct u will get a BIG FAT ZERO...its not like cambridge xams where they give u a few marks for getting half d answer right...SIGH!

today was spent in d yr 12 common room wif tracy, christine, anthony, jason n andrew...all of whom r taiwanese xcept christine. Christine got in a water fight wif Ryno..hahaha...using her water bottle n Ryno using my nike water bottle...
everyday its like squirting pple wif water..hahaah! funny... it was quite fun today.

anyway on 2nd april i haf a TRAMPING camp! we're gonna hike up i dunno where..hahaha...for 4 hrs to reach our destination..camp outdoors in d wilderness..SO FUN RIGHT??? yeah..i felt that i should try it as its a new experience..smth which i would nv get to do in s'pore.

oh yeah..i feel quite worried for tmr..
its atheletics day tmr n i got put into Joshua House...they made us do like 5 events each!! i'm doing discus, short put, long jump, high jump n 3000 m... n i haf NO idea how to play discus n short put ok....oh man.....haha.. i'm really v. anxious for tmr cos i haf never competed infront of pple before...pls guys..pray for me that i won't humiliate myself infront of d whole sch k??

anyway was juz doing sm thinking...thinking back i think i'm quite brave.. i've only been here 4 months n i'm working..i DARE to work even though i don't noe anyone...
i joined volleyball in my sch even though i also didn't noe anyone..n now i'm gonna participate in tramping camp! hiking u could say...

eh pple..pls tag tag tag k???
don't forget me!

All about my new job

Hey pple!
sorry i took so long to update.. just been real real bz n stuff...

ok.. as u noe i work in this jap restaurant called nishiki..on sats 11am-2.30pm, 6-10pm n suns 6-10 pm...
after working for like 1 day i finally realised how tired i was... so i'm dropping d sat night shift cos i find that i dun haf time to study n do my hwk...so yeah..

anyway my 1st day of work was kinda fun...well i could only say that for d lunch shift cos pple there r much nicer. All d colleagues n pple working there r japanese... except for Alice (whom i met in d night shift on sat..well even she can speak fluent jap even though she's frm taiwan!) n this china girl (on d sun night shift).
well i still felt really extra there..i mean EVERYONE can speak jap except me..plus we had to greet customers in jap language...i haf to say IRRASHAIMASE (meaning welcome in jap) n HARRIMAS (meaning I'm coming in...i'm supposed to say that when i enter d kitchen to avoid clashing into pple..but of course i don't say it cos it sounds stupid).. at first i felt really shy n embarrassed saying Irrashaimase..plus it was SO hard to muster it..but finally on sun i conquered my fear n SAID IT! now i'm ok saying it i hope..
everyone working there r like 20 smth yrs old or older so i feel real left out..
since i'm new i can't take orders so i can only deliver food n clear food n clean d table. I came in during lunch n they gave me a tshirt n apron to wear...it was alright i guess but i concentrated too much on serving n had to be reminded constantly to clean d tables! ahahha... i don't talk to d guys who r mostly cooks cos they're scary..actually i don't really talk to anyone cos they don't really speak english..so its kinda sad..
n when i serve customers i make sure i know wat i'm serving so i'll say d name of d dish when i serve them n wear this insane grin on my face...n at first i kept saying enjoy ur meal! but now i think its silly to say it..i mean if u keep serving food to d same table n saying enjoy ur meal over n over again..i think they'll get sick of hearing it.
anyway there r some nice pple in d lunch shift like this jap girl called juko who's FOREVER smiling..so nice...so friendly...
when i came back for d night shift..she n d other nice pple were gone..in place were stern workers...n d worse part was that dinner is more complicated than lunch cos u haf to set up apparaters n equipment to put d food on it..like udon (some noodles)..i had to learn how to heat it up on d hot pot..n i kept getting d order of how to serve it wrongly..SO EMBARRASSING ok..
n by d time sun night shift came i was feeling more confident n d funny thing was that everytime i did smth wrongly infront of customers while serving i never panicked (which is so NOT me)...i learn NOT to panic in those situations cos it will juz highlight ur mistakes more...
had to clean like 50 over menus using tissue towels...so tiring..
but d time sun shift ended..my feet were throbbing n aching..
therefore on sun i told one of d girls that i would like not to work on sat night frm now on n she was quite pissed wif me...
they refer to me as d new girl cos they can't pronounce my name properly..n they love correcting me cos i make so many mistakes...wouldn't be surprised if they sacked me after 3 weeks..oh well..at least i get d $$$$$.
i've decided that i HATE working..oh well..but i can't juz quit like that. U noe on sun morning i was SO dead tired..plus i had to study for bio test which was today (mon) n i had SO SO SO much hwk!!!! i was like 'Mum...can i tell them that i don't wanna work on sun night??? i'm SO tired!'...n my mum was like 'no u can't..u haf committed to this shift so u haf to carry out ur committment no matter wat or else it would look bad on u'.. SIGH! i seriously was like so tired until i didn't really care if it was a commitment or not but i guess wat my mum says is correct.. so i juz went to work.
Anyway at work i always appear real happy..put on a happy smile even though inside i'm juz dying to sleep.

so that's my job... i'm gonna update another entry about today which is MONDAY!
pple pls tag ok...if u tag more often i'll update more often cos its juz not motivating if no one actually reads ur blog n acknowledges that.. THANX!

Monday, March 06, 2006

i got the job!!!

Hey pple!
juz wanted u guys to know that i got d job at d jap restaurant called nishiki! =D hahaha..
went for d interview like 2 days ago on sat n it was real ez i tell u.. d manager half d time couldn't even speak proper english so he was talking in half jap n half english but i kinda got wat he meant..heh.. when he found out i was frm s'pore he was like smiling frm ear to ear! hahaa..apparently everyone here loves s'pore =p!
n so pple i shall now be getting 10 bucks an hr! NZ DOLLARS leh!!
i can see ur envious faces now n u guys going wah lau..hahaha! i'm gonna work for 2 days, sat n sun... for sat both shifts, that is d morning shift 11 am to 2.30 n d night shift 6 to 10 pm n for sun d night shift too..u noe i'm quite scared that i can't balance my sch work wif my job..haha.. plus i haf to do house chores on sat too!! where got time for hwk?!! arghh!!! plus there's a bio test this coming thurs...i'm like studying 1 chap a day lah..sian..

oh yeah...u noe my cousin's wife jasline??? yeah..she's out of critical condition n has since moved to d stable ward so i'm REAL happy!! her kidneys n liver r MUCH better so is her blood pressure =)) PRAISE GOD!
for those who haf prayed thanx for praying!

so u guys take care...juz wanted to tell u that i got d job that's all! Pray that i won't spill anything or do anything wrong k?? i'm quite freaked out now come to think of it..haha

Friday, March 03, 2006

random things..nth in particular

Hello hello pple!

today was REALLY cold..i had no choice but to wear that blasted blazer which i usually soon take out once i reach sch cos i feel it looks disgusting on me even though everyone says i look smart in it. blah..
anyway in class it was still SO cold...but i was like refusing to wear my blazer n i kept inching away frm d fan that was blowing in d econs room..thus earning a few sniggers..
Anyway i haf to do a project in multimedia class which requires filming using equipment n digital cam.. but today was brain storming...my grp members r christine n this korean girl, Mee sum (maria). And we decided to haf d theme Memories n Footprints of our lives...u noe memories frm back home..but each of us had to do n film our selected scenes separately. So anyway christine suggests to haf pple PARTYING..hahaha..she n her partying n bfs...haha.. n she says she'll haf pple french kissing in our music video..n i'm like NOOO!!! eeewww!!! that's juz gross man..
she looks at me n says DON'T TELL ME U HAFN'T KISSED BEFORE! n i'm like of course i hafn't cos i've never had a boyfren!! u think wat..i go around kissing strangers arh...siao lah.. den she's like KISSING IS SO GOOD!!! n i'm like eww...did u noe that more than a million different kinds of bacteria r exchanged when u french kiss a person..that is MEGA disgusting!
den she states that any couple in botany would agree to kiss on d spot n that all music videos haf kissing...
but why can't we make our music videos differently??? i don't want pple kissing in our nice innocent video...*sobs*

alright alright..enough of that..
My parnts decided to throw a little celebration for me since i got b4 for chinese aos!! so we went to this really nice chinese eatery where i stuffed myself with s'pore claypot tofu, chilli kang kong n curry!! i think i ate too much..cos i'm feeling overly bloated to d point of wanting to vomit. yikes...

anyway Jaslyn who is my cousin's wife is still in critical condition. Apparently her kidneys r getting worse even though her liver's improving n she has water in her lungs. I'm honestly really worried cos she means alot to me...she n my cousin...
So pple pls spare a thought for me n her by praying that she'll get better!! PLEASE...
thanx... sigh...

glad for u guys back in s'pore that CTs r over! that means u can play already..well for a little while!! take a breather!
tell me how CTs went ok?? n now there's no excuse for NOT emailing me as u haf promised so yes..pls email me n send me picture updates!!

love u guys!
n miss u alot!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

quite a funny n HAPPY day

Hello pple!!

today was kinda fine...i got to talk to some white pple whom i would never haf gotten to talk to which was quite fun. Was feeling quite depressed when i was doing bio practical at first cos i didn't noe anything..wanted to jump out of d window n run away frm d class but obviously i didn't.
anyway today smth really weird happened. I found out to my horror that i forgot to bring my food for lunch n tea break plus my WATER which i prepared d night ago. i was SUPER mad...so i had to go que up at d cafeteria to get ripped off.
so i'm juz queing there n this girl frm my class (whom i usually don't talk to) taps me on d shoulder n says Hey..r u ryan's cousin?? n i'm like yeahh...(n yes i used to haf like 2 cousins in my present sch) n she says that she's his really good fren n stuff...n this other guy comes along (presumably her bf..i think) n says OMG..YOUR RYAN CHOY'S COUSIN??? n i'm like..er...YES... n he's like HOW CAN U BE HIS COUSIN??? U LOOK SO MUCH BETTER LOOKING THAN HIM! -_-' hahahah...n i'm like OKAY......hahahaha!! it was really hilarious....
anyway glad to be able to talk to that girl n get to know her better...tried introducing her to friendster..u noe pple in nz hafn't even heard wat friendster is!! how deprived r they man...

that was the funny part. The happy part was that i got an sms frm Shawn to say that d chinese AO results were released n i got a b4!!! ms chok confirmed that too!! n i was like YAYYY!!!!! so SO elated can...hahaha..i mean i REALLY worked v. v. hard for it n even though d grades don't count for me i noe that i've tried my best...u noe i thought i was gonna get a c5?! hahaha...
THANKYOU SO MUCH LORD!! God answers prayers!
oh yes..today was parnt teacher meeting..my dad went without me of course n he got such good comments (as usual) saying that i'm settling down SO well n stuff...well i'm TRYING to n i think i am..but there r those days where i juz wanna sit down n cry but i tell myself NO ur not gonna cry..crying doesn't help! eg. today i nearly cried during bio prac...well obviously no one knew cos i can hide it really well. :D

hmm..so that is my day today
oh yah..my cousin's wife juz gave birth to a baby boy today :D! cesarian way...but she's in critical condition cos her liver n kidneys aren't functioning as well as they should be. So anyone who reads this, please pray that she'll get better cos i'm v. v. concerned right now cos she n my cousin r v. close to me. Just haf to believe that God is in control of this situation. Thank God that d baby is breathing properly.

but i believe she's gonna get better n that i'm sure.

so yes..i'm signing off now to go to bed.
tmr is gonna be d end of CTs so jia you pple!!
to daph, sherm n liz i still think about u girls n miss u!! write to me soon k???

God bless n Have a nice day!!
miss u!